How Do I Apply for Financial Aid? | |
Many students, both traditional and non-traditional, are only able to pursue a higher education due to the possibility of securing financial aid. In some cases, that aid is from government sponsored programs. At other times, the potential student may apply for financial aid from a private foundation or other organization. Here are some basics to keep in mind if you want to complete your education and will need help with college tuition and related expenses.Traditional students usually apply for financial aid in the months before completing high school. The process usually begins by discussing the possible sources of aid that are available to the student, based on academic standing and economic need. Guidance counselors will have access to applications for any aid packages that are available through local and national governments, and can help the student prepare the applications properly. For example, students in the United States may be eligible for a Pell Grant, if their income and family situations meet the basic criteria for consideration. Once accepted into a college or university, the traditional full-time student should also speak with advisors and financial counselors connected with the school itself. Often, it is possible to apply for financial aid through foundations or endowments granted to the specific institution. Students that qualify may be able to enjoy free financial aid in the form of a college scholarship through a private endowment or mentorship program. As with most forms of financial aid, the student is expected to maintain a specific grade point average in order to continue receiving the scholarship, grant, or other form of financial aid. Non-traditional students, such as adults returning to college on a part-time basis, may also apply for financial aid. Today, many countries have financial aid packages that are tailored to specific sectors of the population, such as single parents, or adults who are in specific economic brackets. As with traditional students, there is also the possibility of applying for aid from private foundations that help students of specific ethnic backgrounds, sexual orientations, or income levels. University financial counselors can help the student assess his or her situation and identify aid programs that may be relevant to the student’s circumstances. In all cases, it is a good idea to apply for financial aid well in advance of registering for classes. Many counselors recommend that students submit applications at least six months in advance. In some cases, it is a good idea to apply for financial aid from private organizations at least one calendar year in advance. This is because many private organizations only accept consider applications for a short period of time each year. When applying for any type of financial aid, it is imperative to make sure all relevant data and documents are submitted at the same time. The level of detail and support documents required will vary, based on the standards set by the government or private organization reviewing and authorizing the financial aid. It is often a good idea to ask a school counselor to review the completed forms and documents before submission, as this helps to minimize the chances of rejection. |
How Do I Apply for Financial Aid?
How do I Apply for Graduate School?
How do I Apply for Graduate School? | |
Graduate school provides numerous educational and professional opportunities to students. An advanced degree makes someone more employable, as it demonstrates that he or she has received additional training, and it can also be an opportunity for personal enrichment. The application process for graduate school can be involved and lengthy, and it pays to start preparing ahead of time if someone plans to apply for graduate school.People who think that they want to attend graduate programs should start their research while they are undergraduates. Once they have chosen a field of interest, they should find several schools which offer advanced degrees, and get information from these schools about the specifics of the application procedure, and any prerequisites. Advanced programs have prerequisites to ensure that all students have the same basic level of knowledge when they enter graduate school, and many also have general knowledge requirements such as experience with a foreign language. It helps to assemble a list of programs you plan to apply to, along with the components of their applications and important dates. While researching programs, it pays to take notes about financial aid options, as financial aid applications are viewed more favorably when they are submitted early, and there may be special requirements for financial aid, such as copies of recent tax returns. In some fields, a centralized agency collects application data from students, submitting it to schools by request, which saves a lot of time, although students will still need to submit supplementary data as directed to apply for graduate school at specific institutions. At a minimum, a graduate school application usually includes the application itself, which has basic data about the applicant, along with an essay or essays in which the applicant demonstrates knowledge of the language used for instruction, and the ability to communicate clearly. Students are also expected to submit letters of recommendation from instructors and people in their field, and they also usually need to take a standardized test. Some schools require generic examinations like the Graduate Record Exams (GREs), while others may request that students take specific tests to prove their knowledge in a particular field to apply for graduate school. It may be necessary to submit a portfolio to apply for graduate school. This requirement is universal in applications for art schools, and it may be included in some other humanities schools as well. Students also generally need to submit a curriculum vitae (CV) which details their work and life experience. Some schools accept video essays and other innovative forms of media for the primary essay and portfolio pieces, while others would prefer to see students sticking with formal written essays. In the case of a student who wants to apply for graduate school to receive a doctoral degree, he or she must demonstrate satisfactory progress on the way to a master's degree. Some schools allow people to apply into combined master's/doctoral programs, which means that the student would earn a master's on the way to collecting a doctorate. Professional schools like medical schools and law schools have specialized applications with their own distinct requirements. |
How Do I Become a Certified Professional Coder®?
How Do I Become a Certified Professional Coder®? | |
To become a Certified Professional Coder® in the medical administration field, a person must receive certification from the American Academy of Professional Coders and have extensive work experience in coding. Certification involves passing an exam and demonstrating the ability to both read and understand medical billing codes. There are two Certified Professional Coder® levels, each certifying a different facility — either a physician’s office or hospital. While a certification is typically not required to work in the billing department of a medical facility, being a Certified Professional Coder® is usually helpful in landing a job. Certification can also improve salary potential.To become a Certified Professional Coder®, a person must be versed in understanding the basic application of codes in the medical billing process. This includes various coding formats used for medical biling to insurance companies such as CRT®, HCPS procedure and supply codes, and ICD-9-CM diagnosis codes. Beyond technical coding skills, a knowledge of the human anatomy, physiology and medical terminology is also required. A high school degree is required, but a minimum of an associate’s degree is strongly recommended prior to training, testing and seeking a job in the medical billing and coding field. There are numerous medical coding and billing schools and training programs — offered both online and on a campus — that will teach the many of the basics of this craft and prepare a person for the national exam. The national exam consists of 150 questions, and there is a fee associated with it. When going through the American Academy of Professional Coders testing process, approved manuals are allowed for use during the test. A complete list of what is allowed is provided at website. Those preparing for the test, are encouraged to look for practice exams, workbooks and other training tools to augment any course work. Beyond passing the exam, a person must demonstrate practical ability to properly understand these complex medical codes. Without proof of work experience, a person passing the exam will be given apprentice status. Those with apprentice status must complete additional continuing education credits while gaining work experience. Removal of apprentice designation happens in one of two ways. Either two letters of recommendation verifying two years of on the job experience using CPT, ICD-9-CM or HCPCS codes are needed, or a minimum of 80 hours of coding education and one letter of recommendation from an employer verifying one year of on-the-job experience working with one of the code sets is needed. |
How Do I Become a Certified Coder?
How Do I Become a Certified Coder? | |
To become a certified coder, you need to start by taking a medical billing and coding course. This step will teach you the skills you need to work in a medical office, clinic, hospital, or insurance company. Prospective medical coding students can study in a classroom setting or online to get training they need. Medical billing involves preparing claim forms, which are submitted to the entity that will pay all or part of the claim on behalf of patients. The forms may be sent to an insurance company, Medicare, or the government for payment. A person who does this kind of work needs to feel comfortable using financial software programs and have an excellent eye for detail. Errors on the claim forms mean delays in payment processing. A person who works as a medical coder assigns a particular code to services that the doctor provides. Each disorder or injury that is treated has its own code. The medical coder is trained to assign the correct one to each entry so that the health care provider can be paid at the correct rate for the service. This type of work requires a good knowledge of medical terminology so that the coding can be completed accurately. When you are considering certified coding programs, you want to find out how long the course lasts and what the cost of taking it will be. Be sure to find out whether you need to buy books or materials along with paying your tuition. You also want to consider whether you learn better in a traditional classroom or you want the flexibility to take the course online. Some schools offer diploma programs for students who want to become a certified coder, while at others you would be studying for two years to get an Associate's degree in this subject area. This is a career choice that will appeal to people who want to work in the medical field, but who like to focus on information. When you sign up for a medical billing and coding course, you can expect to take courses in anatomy, physiology, and medical terminology. To complete the requirements to become a certified coder, you must pass an exam administered by a medical coding association. In the United States, two years of work experience are required before a person can take the exam to get certification. If a person has less than two years of work experience, they can receive an "apprentice" designation. In that situation, the apprentice coder is required to complete continuing education credits to become a certified coder. |
How do I Become a Certified Teacher?
How do I Become a Certified Teacher? | |
Being a teacher is more than a job; it is a passion and a calling. The best teachers dedicate themselves to the profession. The requirements for becoming a certified teacher vary from country to country. Some countries have separate requirements that can change depending on the state or province.In the United States, there are a few basic requirements that need to be met in order to become a certified teacher. These requirements are standard across all certification programs, and they usually stay consistent from state to state. For secondary teachers these requirements include: A bachelor level degree or higher in a particular subject area and completion of an accredited teacher certification program. A teacher certification program often means a combination of coursework, student teaching and various tests and exams. Of these tests, one of the most important is the individual state competency test to obtain your teaching credential. The requirements are the same for elementary level teachers; however, a person’s degree needs to be more generalized. Elementary level teachers in the United States usually have a degree in one of the following areas: education, liberal studies or child development. Some countries do not have a standard teacher certification program. For example, in Australia ,the education system is not regulated on a national level. Teaching qualifications vary from state to state; however, most teachers in Australia do hold an advanced degree. Canada and England both have strict regulations to become a certified teacher. Canadian teachers must receive certification from a special college or department that is responsible for teacher certification. The certification includes one to two more years of university level education. Other basic requirements to obtain a teaching certificate in Canada include a criminal background check and a tuberculosis test; however, certification requirements usually vary from province to province. In order to become a certified teacher in England you must obtain a Qualified Teacher Status. This usually includes completion of a BA or BS level degree and a Post-Graduate Certificate of Education. There are faster ways to obtain a certification in England; however these requirements vary according to school type and location. Regardless of your location, you will need to work to become a certified teacher; however, there are fast-paced programs that will help you to obtain a certification quicker than the traditional route. These programs are popular in areas that are in high need of teachers that are both educated professionals and devoted people. |
09Basso&Brooke 日本風潮
09Basso&Brooke 日本風潮 |
轉向日本風格讓Bruno Basso和Christopher Brooke這一次被世界所喜愛,他們取材於日本的版畫印刷,並且盡可能的讓它簡單和閃亮,,當然,在這一點上,他們並沒有盡取日本的圖案風格,而是包容這歐洲的油畫和幾何圖案的融會貫通,而從作品背後的本質上講,他們所做的就是讓事情變得寬厚和仁慈。 日本元素顯然在這一季作品中佔據著靈感Muse的重要角色,極富東方色彩的櫻花和條紋,和服一樣的闊袖和腰間的腰封,具有江戶時期典型圖案風格的繪畫也被加入到設計當中,這讓Basso & Brooke09春季的服裝具備了更為濃厚的文化背景,柔和在一起的圖案時而疊加成印象派的油畫,時而安靜的像東方的寫意,精煉的窄身套裝,輕鬆的及膝連身裙還有及踝的無袖長裙都在這種文化的碰撞和結合下顯得不可思議,V領的寬袖短衫和緊腿褲,腰間的腰封看起來日本鄉野間的忙碌的農民,或者純色或者漸變的裙裝都顯得那麼簡單而從容,而融合日本文化的設計系列點明了這個春天 Bruno Basso和Christopher Brooke想給你的東西——包容和前進。 Christian Lacroix 2009春夏高級訂製時裝秀簡直就是一場糖果盛宴,出奇的華麗繽紛。從鎦金璀璨的魚尾晚禮服到白紗玫瑰的復古宮廷裙,無不色彩繽紛,艷麗可人,可以說Christian Lacroix為這一季的時裝下了不少功夫啊。最有特色的是Christian Lacroix整場秀的模特都是統一髮型,大丸子頭,只不過顏色不同,藍色,粉色,紅色,遠看都像頂著朵花兒似的。 |
Tag: platinum | underwear | 舒雅 | schiesser | 功能物料 | 時尚內衣 | 基本內衣 | 保暖內衣 | 家居服 | 睡衣 | 男裝內衣 | 內衣 | 內褲 | 女裝內衣 | bra | 胸圍 |
BASLER成熟風情 展現典雅氣息
BASLER成熟風情 展現典雅氣息 |
2010秋冬,BASLER主打款「Style Emotion(成熟風情)」炫耀登場,該系列演繹了對現代都市的詮釋,它以咖啡色和灰褐色為基本色系,同時也有棕色的涉及。此外,外形光亮柔順的珠寶首飾搭配也是一大特色,珠寶中含有高貴典雅的紫色,能夠完美的融入並與衣服有自然完美的結合。品質方面,頗為創新。材質包含有彈性的法蘭絨製品,是以一種新潮流行的羊毛人造絲混合磨光纖製作而成,顯得高貴典雅。洗後的牛仔衫和運動衫一樣舒適。時髦緊身褲上配束腰衫或長套衫,層次感鮮明。更能夠顯示出女性優美的身段,定型材料主要是用新生柔順羊絨混合製成,柔順性較強。 Simon Wang這個名字在上海時裝周已不陌生,但每一次,他都給人帶來驚喜不斷。面對全球風靡的復古風潮,Simon Wang也不落人後,這一季,以Vanity浮華為主題,除了將剛剛在台北展示過的個人作品再現之外,還帶來全新力作,吹起一股復古的法國自由派浪漫主義風潮。 襯衫方面,您將看到符合未來趨勢,魅力標準的新型表現方式。如時尚設計的塑身運動衫,輕盈飄逸的蓬鬆襯衫。秀出前衛理念,引領潮流氣息。 夾克方面,單色,舒適柔軟的運動衫,羊毛大衣均為華麗,高品質羊絨製作。擁有優雅,奢侈的貴族氣質。單色夾克靚麗衣領,衣身線條柔順。配有柔色金屬飾件的薄夾克,激發柔與剛的感性碰撞,擦出時尚的激情火花,為該系列帶來了別緻的現代感。 款式方面,運動衫涉及到大量印花及花紋形式,如獅紋圖案、平紋印花,多種多樣的絢麗花紋為衣服增添了別樣的魅力風情,以及上衣的長度都是關注的焦點。時尚的真絲絨皮革、羊皮夾克都計劃全新升級,讓您能夠更輕鬆的引領時尚風。 針織方面也有大量創新,印花運動夾克和水晶亮片圖案,不透明飾件增添了光澤,較標準形式的特定細節令人驚歎。
白,棕色絲質和棉質上衣,包含現代元素在內的新款領帶,新款透明硬紗上衣,設計精美的印花上衣,單色襯衫另外可搭配一些小飾件裝飾。戶外夾克在外觀和顏色上都耳目一新,毛皮頭巾及現代時尚羊毛大衣。讓您在戶外運動時也能夠輕鬆休閒的走時尚路線。 在此系列中,最不可缺少的是披肩,極為重要。有連理的紫色曲針織披肩、背面帶有天鵝絨柔順垂滑披肩、獅紋印花、螺紋花紋披肩等。可以隨便搭配任何衣服,其中若有絢爛的寶石做陪襯,就更能彰顯您雍容華貴的優雅氣質,展現成熟女性美。 |
Tag: platinum | underwear | 舒雅 | schiesser | 功能物料 | 時尚內衣 | 基本內衣 | 保暖內衣 | 家居服 | 睡衣 | 男裝內衣 | 內衣 | 內褲 | 女裝內衣 | bra | 胸圍 |
BASLER 成熟風情 展現典雅氣息
BASLER 成熟風情 展現典雅氣息 |
2010秋冬,BASLER主打款「Style Emotion(成熟風情)」炫耀登場,該系列演繹了對現代都市的詮釋,它以咖啡色和灰褐色為基本色系,同時也有棕色的涉及。品質方面,頗為創新。材質包含有彈性的法蘭絨製品,是以一種新潮流行的羊毛人造絲混合磨光纖製作而成,顯得高貴典雅。洗後的牛仔衫和運動衫一樣舒適。時髦緊身褲上配束腰衫或長套衫,層次感鮮明。更能夠顯示出女性優美的身段,定型材料主要是用新生柔順羊絨混合製成,柔順性較強。
夾克方面,單色,舒適柔軟的運動衫,羊毛大衣均為華麗,高品質羊絨製作。擁有優雅,奢侈的貴族氣質。單色夾克靚麗衣領,衣身線條柔順。配有柔色金屬飾件的薄夾克,激發柔與剛的感性碰撞,擦出時尚的激情火花,為該系列帶來了別緻的現代感。 服飾一定要和你的唇色相匹配 的確,如果你的衣服和彩妝過於協調的話反而會讓你的整個著裝顯得稍微有點失禮,但是有一條是值得注意的那就是:一定要與唇色相匹配,這不僅僅是 搭配,還能穿出時髦的風格,如果你的唇色是飽滿的紅色調,一定要避開深色調、粉紅色調,選擇合適的冷色調可以更加突出時裝造型度。 襯衫方面,您將看到符合未來趨勢,魅力標準的新型表現方式。如時尚設計的塑身運動衫,輕盈飄逸的蓬鬆襯衫。秀出前衛理念,引領潮流氣息。 款式方面,運動衫涉及到大量印花及花紋形式,如獅紋圖案、平紋印花,多種多樣的絢麗花紋為衣服增添了別樣的魅力風情,以及上衣的長度都是關注的焦點。時尚的真絲絨皮革、羊皮夾克都計劃全新升級,讓您能夠更輕鬆的引領時尚風。 針織方面也有大量創新,印花運動夾克和水晶亮片圖案,不透明飾件增添了光澤,較標準形式的特定細節令人驚歎。 長款外套與細長緊身或綁腿型褲相搭配,例如針織毛背心可與牛仔衫搭配,更能彰顯層次感。修長富有個性的運動裙可與綁腿或細長褲結合,並搭配靚麗,活潑,色彩艷麗的寬腰帶。白,棕色絲質和棉質上衣,包含現代元素在內的新款領帶,新款透明硬紗上衣,設計精美的印花上衣,單色襯衫另外可搭配一些小飾件裝飾。 戶外夾克在外觀和顏色上都耳目一新,毛皮頭巾及現代時尚羊毛大衣。讓您在戶外運動時也能夠輕鬆休閒的走時尚路線。 |
Tag: platinum | underwear | 舒雅 | schiesser | 功能物料 | 時尚內衣 | 基本內衣 | 保暖內衣 | 家居服 | 睡衣 | 男裝內衣 | 內衣 | 內褲 | 女裝內衣 | bra | 胸圍 |
Banana Republic極致簡約OL外套
Bauhaus時尚羽絨打造溫暖冬日 |
寒冷的冬季加緊了腳步匆匆地來襲,一件厚重保暖羽絨服正是每一位時尚達人們衣櫃中不可不備的過冬「戰衣」。而當你在搜箱搗櫃地掏出各色各樣的羽絨服時,會漸漸發現似乎每件羽絨服都像復刻版一樣,並沒特別的出挑設計。怎樣才能擺脫單調厚重的羽絨服的陳舊味道呢,香港bauhaus旗下的tough jeansmith 、salad、twistedmind三大時尚品牌所推出的今冬時尚羽絨服,將會是2009冬天最溫暖之選,打造出最fashion的冬日風尚。 Caesar Salad 、salad女款羽絨服
2009年11月16日,電影《花木蘭》全球首映禮在京舉行,飾演「花木蘭」一角的趙薇身著COCOON禮服出現在影迷面前,既有「花木蘭」的英姿颯爽又不失「花木蘭」精緻可愛性感的一面。 《花木蘭》開機以來,趙薇如何詮釋花木蘭就已成為電影圈內人士及影迷討論的熱門話題。從首映禮趙薇的著裝上,可以看出她對「花木蘭」一角的理解與把握,就此打消了圈內人士及影迷擔心與顧慮。 趙薇首映禮服來自於中國國際時裝周COCOON2010春夏系列發佈會中的禮服。COCOON2010春夏系列是COCOON藝術總監應翠劍女士的得意之作,從肩部誇張的廓形到精細的工藝剪裁無不增添一絲絲高級訂製感並融合了當下全球最時尚元素。 |
Tag: platinum | underwear | 舒雅 | schiesser | 功能物料 | 時尚內衣 | 基本內衣 | 保暖內衣 | 家居服 | 睡衣 | 男裝內衣 | 內衣 | 內褲 | 女裝內衣 | bra | 胸圍 |
明星示範過臀毛衣實用搭配 |
Hilary Duff穿白色毛衣 Hilary Duff Hilary Duff這款毛衣似乎是最普通最常見的款式,V領便於修飾臉型,柔軟寬鬆的造型則讓人感覺親切甜美,純淨的色調襯托著她甜美的笑容,更透出幾分誘惑力。下面搭配黑色緊身褲和過膝長靴,收放有度,絲毫不覺臃腫肥胖。最重要的還有誇張的耳環搭配,為整體簡潔的造型增添了許多異域的情調。
導語:當下最時尚最搶眼的搭配就要數時髦混搭了,不過混搭可不是將各類單品胡亂拼湊在一起哦。看似毫無章法卻又蘊含玄機,接下來就來看看時尚潮人們是如何混搭造型的吧。 圈圈毛材質的黑色外套既厚實暖和又個性獨特,充滿了成熟大氣的時尚魅力,搭配上藍色的高腰短褲與豎紋打底褲,富有層次感,顯得輕快又活潑。 2011年冬季潮人服裝搭配圈圈毛材質的黑色外套既厚實暖和又個性獨特,充滿了成熟大氣的時尚魅力,搭配上藍色的高腰短褲與豎紋打底褲,富有層次感,顯得輕快又活潑。 Kate Bosworth穿棕色開襟毛衣 Kate Bosworth 出門遛狗當然不需要穿得太拘謹,舒服又保暖的大毛衣絕對是不錯的選擇,Kate Bosworth也不止一次穿這件棕色開襟大毛衣出門了,隨意搭配牛仔褲和白T恤的裝扮就很有范兒,當然,墨鏡也起到很大的作用,為增加氣勢出了不少力。大毛衣上還設計了兩個超大的口袋,放點鑰匙和錢包都不成問題。 Nicole Richie穿軍裝風格毛線裙 Nicole Richie 軍裝風一直都很受時尚人士的喜愛,它那種硬朗帥氣又威武逼人的氣勢都讓人為之癡迷。連衣裙、毛衣和軍裝元素的結合讓Nicole Richie看起來格外與眾不同,毛線裙緊湊的編織手法也對身材起到了緊裹作用,看起來不但不臃腫,反而更加曲線畢露呢!
Katherine Heigl穿大披風式毛衣 Katherine Heigl 超長版的披風式毛衣穿在身上很有氣勢,走動時隨動作晃動的衣擺絕對拉風。裡面搭配緊身褲和短靴更添帥氣風範,金色的腰帶也是點睛之筆,讓深色調的造型多了一個吸睛亮點。蟒蛇紋的手提袋也是焦點,非常特別,讓全身多了異域的風情。 Victoria Beckhams穿黑白條紋毛衣 Victoria Beckhams |
Tag: winter collection | Wholesale Fashion Store | spring collect | yukata store | long coat | fishtail skirt | black shirt | skull head | rabbit fur jacket | fox fur jacket | Leather jakcet | DOWN JACKET | evening dress | black dress | lolita DRESS | VICTORIAN DRESS | gothic clothing | gothic punk | gothic dress | plus size clothings |
王菲出街 混搭春裝超有范兒
王菲出街 混搭春裝超有范兒 |
全身黑色的裝扮低調卻很有范兒 黑色長款上衣面料垂順,全身黑色的裝扮低調卻很有范兒。加上一頂復古的黑色帽子,便可點綴出濃郁的貴族氣息,顯得十分有氣勢。 有時候,有一種美是定格在鏡頭之外的。它不按常理出牌,不會對著鎂光燈永遠循規蹈矩地做著千律一篇的表情和動作。就拿最基礎的服裝來說,也跳脫了贊助商提供的那種固定模式,不會讓人覺得生硬和死板,也許比不上雜誌硬廣的那種妖嬈和大氣,但更多的是親切和隨性。宋慧喬,一個攫獲無數人眼球的女人,以下是她比較少見的自拍、友人合照、甚至是狗仔隊鏡頭下的她,總之,全部看完,應該不會失望的。 超長款的黑色羽絨服御寒的同時大氣高貴 超長款的黑色羽絨服御寒的同時大氣高貴,搭配紅色的BV手袋,顯得相當惹眼。大氣的紅色是黑色服裝的百搭法寶。 王菲身著黑色聳肩夾克十分有型 王菲身著黑色聳肩夾克十分有型,帶著黑色復古圓筒寬邊帽配上黑色墨鏡。紅色的大圍巾在黑色的陪襯下十分亮眼,一款黑色的寶緹嘉(Bottega Veneta)手袋隨意的挎在肩上十分有范兒,隨意不失大氣感。
高貴低調的綻放 王菲一身黑色的落地連衣裙,簡潔大方的款型搭配彰顯精緻品味的項鏈,讓她的高貴低調的綻放。 藍色短款衫配上白色打底簡單不失時尚感的穿著 藍色短款衫配上白色打底簡單不失時尚感的穿著。芬迪(FENDI)的經典小挎包是潮人出街的好夥伴。設計有型款式大氣,搭配隨意舒適的裝著立刻變的時尚起來。搭配上緊腿褲與尖頭及踝靴的王菲時髦有型。 雅痞的嬉皮風演繹得如此完美 寬鬆的白色設計感外套,搭配駝色的寬鬆休閒褲以及麂皮靴,果然是百變天後,將雅痞的嬉皮風演繹得如此完美。加上白色的愛馬仕(Hermes)手袋,手袋上掛著一隻可愛的小熊十分俏皮。 王菲的高挑身材讓她就好像一個衣服架子一般能挑戰任何服飾 王菲的高挑身材讓她就好像一個衣服架子一般能挑戰任何服飾。紅色的巴黎世家手袋十分惹眼,搭配灰色與綠色的燈籠褲很有味道的混搭穿著。夾腳涼拖配上黃色條紋襪足夠惹眼。 黑色打底衫外搭灰色調長款開衫,低調隨意 黑色打底衫外搭灰色調長款開衫,低調隨意,配上黑色長靴更加時尚有范兒。即使加上墨鏡以及黑色帽子,也難以掩蓋天後風範。 隨意的寬鬆的條紋長款加上黑色的夾腳拖鞋別有一番時尚感 灰色的吊帶背心外搭黑色外套,黑色的墨鏡搭配復古的黑色帽子酷勁十足。隨意的寬鬆的條紋長款加上黑色的夾腳拖鞋別有一番時尚感。
Tag: winter collection | Wholesale Fashion Store | spring collect | yukata store | long coat | fishtail skirt | black shirt | skull head | rabbit fur jacket | fox fur jacket | Leather jakcet | DOWN JACKET | evening dress | black dress | lolita DRESS | VICTORIAN DRESS | gothic clothing | gothic punk | gothic dress | plus size clothings |
2010年最差著裝 帕麗斯榜上有名
2010年最差著裝 帕麗斯榜上有名 |
入選年度最差著裝可不是什麼光彩的事情。其實那兒個明星不是費盡心思把自己打扮的花枝招展,可有時卻為了出位搞怪,搞得適得其反。就像卡戴珊姐妹的禮服緊得透不過氣,贅肉都要爆出來了。 錢妞螢光綠的連體衣 錢妞Ke$ha可謂是2010年好萊塢上升勢頭最快的女星!幾首單曲連續打榜之外,紅毯造型卻緊追Ga姐的雷人攻勢!殊不知,Ga姐已經被時尚屆人士奉為圭臬了,可小魚Ke$ha還在「醜人多作怪」,看在這身螢光綠的連體衣是舞台服的份上,沒把你放第一算給面子了吧? 紅色連衣裙大衣 熱情又溫暖的紅色在冬日裡穿著耀眼又有活力,紅色雙排扣毛料外套搭配黑色格子打底褲和棕色雪地靴,顏色上協調又統一,美麗又不失可愛。 J-Lo裸色裙裝臃腫似大嬸 J-Lo,平常出席個典禮神馬的,有品牌公關幫著打理,你還可以看。一到自己的場子就現原形,從頭到腳,也就那雙紅底的高跟鞋算上乘。 卡戴珊姐妹緊身豹紋、斑馬紋禮服 卡戴珊姐妹花在好萊塢風頭最勁了!比有錢、比男友、比派對出勤率……這一家人都堪稱楷模!豹紋、斑馬紋再流行,可同穿這緊身禮服.。.也太膨脹了!PS:還都是高領的! 說唱教母走阿拉伯風情路線 M.I.A。被奉為說唱教母呢!可能是看Gaga上位之迅速有些眼紅,這身裝扮除了向基地組織致敬的含義之外,我們真的看不懂了…… 馬奎特粉色裙擺像蟲子翅膀 布裡吉特-馬奎特多多少少也算脫離了《花花公子》的陰影,可著裝造詣卻依舊不深得人心,這一席又粉又黑的東東,難道是為了萬聖節?你好像出席的是時裝秀吧? 朱麗亞-羅伯茨臃腫的碎花 朱麗亞-羅伯茨,我們深深地肯定你在影壇的造詣!可是跑到其他國家去宣傳電影,不代表就可以放鬆啦?這一身碎花的臃腫,敷衍誰呢? 帕米拉-安德森紅色套裝無生氣 帕米拉-安德森,也算是在娛樂圈摸爬滾打多年,常在河邊走,逮著你濕鞋還真不難!這色調的Jumpsuit再配上筒靴——直接去當水管工會好一些! 高領皮連衣裙搭配平底鞋 莎朗-斯通,怎麼也想不到你會用高領皮連衣裙搭配平底鞋,除了中心上移的視覺效果之外,這表情是在乞求我們手下留情 |
Tag: winter collection | Wholesale Fashion Store | spring collect | yukata store | long coat | fishtail skirt | black shirt | skull head | rabbit fur jacket | fox fur jacket | Leather jakcet | DOWN JACKET | evening dress | black dress | lolita DRESS | VICTORIAN DRESS | gothic clothing | gothic punk | gothic dress | plus size clothings |
可愛單品 打造超級惹人愛造型
可愛單品 打造超級惹人愛造型 |
想惹人喜愛其實很簡單,在你的衣櫃裡加入小可愛單品,別以為沒有酷酷的著裝就不拉風,男人可是都喜歡可愛女生啊! 用帶有閃亮元素的珍珠裝飾長款針織衫打造甜美的華麗裝扮,與蝴蝶結領口的白色襯衫結合,更加強調可愛的公主感,本季大熱的百搭款式軍綠工裝短褲是加分下裝,與滾邊麂皮風格材質的復古挎包搭配,優雅又時尚,還可以用豹紋元素的貝雷帽增加俏皮指數。 蝴蝶結領口白色襯衫 軍裝風格短褲 閃亮元素珍珠裝飾針織衫 毛絨麂皮風格復古挎包 豹紋貝雷帽 導語:時尚紅色是每個新年裡獨一無二的喜慶色,開年有紅運,從明星到路人都愛穿紅色,下面就來看看今年的時尚紅色搭配,LUCK的2011等著你哦! 時尚解析:斗篷是今年潮人們必備單品,用紅色的斗篷來打造精彩的新年開運裝再適合不過!毛毛領的設計多了幾分俏皮可愛,讓新年的心情更加愉快;搭配黑色緊身短裙,黑色褲襪以及黑色及踝靴,提升時尚指數。 時尚解析:如果你是正宗的潮人,今年你一定擁有一件皮草外套。白色皮草外套內搭紅色的修身連衣裙,打造屬於自己的個性范兒裝扮。再搭配緊致的配件更加如虎添翼,硬朗的繫帶短靴是帶來新鮮的重點,讓存在感瞬間提升。 導語:想惹人喜愛其實很簡單,在你的衣櫃裡加入小可愛單品,別以為沒有酷酷的著裝就不拉風,男人可是都喜歡可愛女生啊! 黑色為底色的碎花連體褲通過雙排扣外套的搭配增加了幾分學院氣質,金色的大扣子非常精緻,連衣裙領部的鏤空蕾絲設計非常具有女人味,利用帶有蝴蝶結裝飾的中折禮帽提升時尚度。 碎花連體褲 雙排扣大衣外套 黑色中折禮帽 導語:想惹人喜愛其實很簡單,在你的衣櫃裡加入小可愛單品,別以為沒有酷酷的著裝就不拉風,男人可是都喜歡可愛女生啊! 復古氣息濃郁的娃娃領造型針織衫在本季人氣指數直升,各個大牌紛紛推出相應設計的新品,時尚的你一定不要錯過哦,與基本款式的黑色短褲搭配,乖巧的少女風格裝扮輕鬆擁有,與潮流感的挎包混搭,演繹充滿個性的潮流。 紅色娃娃領針織衫 黑色娃娃領針織衫 黑色短褲 挎包 導語:想惹人喜愛其實很簡單,在你的衣櫃裡加入小可愛單品,別以為沒有酷酷的著裝就不拉風,男人可是都喜歡可愛女生啊! 充滿溫柔感的女孩造型少不了粗線針織衫,在色彩的選擇上一定要擁有親和力的淡色作為主角,白色或淺粉淺藍色都是首選,在細節上加入珍珠、麻花的元素,更加甜美可愛,與之搭配的一定要選擇簡單的原色牛仔短褲,才能夠使色彩平衡。帶有蝴蝶結的籐制挎包提升可愛度。 白色粗針針織衫 淡藍色珍珠針織衫 籐制挎包 牛仔短褲 導語:想惹人喜愛其實很簡單,在你的衣櫃裡加入小可愛單品,別以為沒有酷酷的著裝就不拉風,男人可是都喜歡可愛女生啊! 令人無法抗拒的荷葉邊裝飾宮廷感的華麗單品,無論與任何單品搭配一定能夠打造出奢華的公主風格,疏密的褶皺還能夠有效地掩飾身材的不完美,展現出溫柔女人味。 黑色荷葉邊裝飾雪紡上衣 淺棕色荷葉邊雪紡上衣 白色荷葉邊迷你裙 導語:想惹人喜愛其實很簡單,在你的衣櫃裡加入小可愛單品,別以為沒有酷酷的著裝就不拉風,男人可是都喜歡可愛女生啊! 神秘感強烈的蕾絲服飾,不光能夠增加你的性感指數,運用可愛的設計,同樣可以讓蕾絲成為你的搭配主角。局部蕾絲運用也是不錯的穿著方式哦~ 長款蕾絲罩衫 背部帶有蕾絲的泡泡袖上裝 蕾絲元素連體裝 |
Tag: winter collection | Wholesale Fashion Store | spring collect | yukata store | long coat | fishtail skirt | black shirt | skull head | rabbit fur jacket | fox fur jacket | Leather jakcet | DOWN JACKET | evening dress | black dress | lolita DRESS | VICTORIAN DRESS | gothic clothing | gothic punk | gothic dress | plus size clothings |
至IN復古范春裝 明星搶著穿
至IN復古范春裝 明星搶著穿 |
寬腰帶有不用減肥達到瞬間瘦腰的效果 寬腰帶,有不用減肥達到瞬間瘦腰的效果,讓大只變小只,小只變更苗條。 Minka Kelly的毛衣很有民族風情,特別是在衣擺增添的流蘇設計,讓她在行走中更加搖曳生姿,充滿活力女性的魅力。下面搭配緊身仔褲和綁帶短靴,利落又帥氣,讓整體更加摩登。 馬尾辮加灰色瘦長款毛衣外套,Jennifer Aniston將自己打扮得很有少女的氣質,簡單卻活力無限,正好證明一句話,身材好是法寶!
純正的黑白色組合在一起會產生奇妙的化學作用 復古黑白,純正的黑白色組合在一起會產生奇妙的化學作用,復古韻味油然而生,加上漆皮材質讓復古感覺體現的更淋漓盡致。 閃片和漆皮都是浮誇的玩意兒 未來感閃片&漆皮,閃片和漆皮都是浮誇的玩意兒,在個性的90年代,大膽出位的著裝尤其受人喜愛。 布鞋,人人都能買得起的普通鞋款 布鞋,人人都能買得起的普通鞋款,但隨著匡威被被耐克收購,平價的的匡威在價格上有了大幅提升,不過愛死帆布鞋的人們還不是心甘情願乖乖掏錢把心愛鞋款帶回家麼…… 高腰裙的作用能把腿部拉長、腰部變細 高腰裙,高腰裙的作用能把腿部拉長、腰部變細,如果再搭配上一款夠亮眼的寬腰帶,時髦指數必定狂飆不止。 選對保值的經典款才是21世紀女性最聰明的做法 名牌包袋,「崇洋媚外」的90年代,名牌包袋受到大肆追捧,而到了現在,選對保值的經典款才是21世紀女性最聰明的做法。 鬆糕鞋的時髦升級版——厚底鞋 厚底鞋,小時候偷偷穿過媽媽的高跟鞋嘛?鬆糕鞋在90年代可是風靡一時的,所以現如今,鬆糕鞋的時髦升級版——厚底鞋,就算磨破了腳也一定也要嘗試一下。 |
Tag: winter collection | Wholesale Fashion Store | spring collect | yukata store | long coat | fishtail skirt | black shirt | skull head | rabbit fur jacket | fox fur jacket | Leather jakcet | DOWN JACKET | evening dress | black dress | lolita DRESS | VICTORIAN DRESS | gothic clothing | gothic punk | gothic dress | plus size clothings |
卷邊短褲花樣多 打折季狂搶超劃算
卷邊短褲花樣多 打折季狂搶超劃算 | ||||
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Tag: diamonds | diamond ring | diamond hong kong | engagement ring | 訂婚戒指 | 訂婚介子 | 求婚介指 | 求婚介子 | 求婚戒指 | gia | gia diamond | gia 鑽石 | 鑽石戒指 | 鑽石介子 | 鑽石介指 | 鑽石 | 鑽戒 | 天然鑽石 | 鑽石報價 | 鑽石價錢 |
聚焦UGG 你究竟愛行貨還是水貨?
聚焦UGG 你究竟愛行貨還是水貨? | ||||
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Tag: diamonds | diamond ring | diamond hong kong | engagement ring | 訂婚戒指 | 訂婚介子 | 求婚介指 | 求婚介子 | 求婚戒指 | gia | gia diamond | gia 鑽石 | 鑽石戒指 | 鑽石介子 | 鑽石介指 | 鑽石 | 鑽戒 | 天然鑽石 | 鑽石報價 | 鑽石價錢 |
聚焦Tiffany,你究竟愛行貨還是水貨? | ||||
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Tag: diamonds | diamond ring | diamond hong kong | engagement ring | 訂婚戒指 | 訂婚介子 | 求婚介指 | 求婚介子 | 求婚戒指 | gia | gia diamond | gia 鑽石 | 鑽石戒指 | 鑽石介子 | 鑽石介指 | 鑽石 | 鑽戒 | 天然鑽石 | 鑽石報價 | 鑽石價錢 |
聚焦LV經典款手袋!行貨水貨各有所愛 | |||
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Tag: diamonds | diamond ring | diamond hong kong | engagement ring | 訂婚戒指 | 訂婚介子 | 求婚介指 | 求婚介子 | 求婚戒指 | gia | gia diamond | gia 鑽石 | 鑽石戒指 | 鑽石介子 | 鑽石介指 | 鑽石 | 鑽戒 | 天然鑽石 | 鑽石報價 | 鑽石價錢 |
絕不出錯 美式精致學院風
絕不出錯 美式精致學院風 | ||||
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Tag: diamonds | diamond ring | diamond hong kong | engagement ring | 訂婚戒指 | 訂婚介子 | 求婚介指 | 求婚介子 | 求婚戒指 | gia | gia diamond | gia 鑽石 | 鑽石戒指 | 鑽石介子 | 鑽石介指 | 鑽石 | 鑽戒 | 天然鑽石 | 鑽石報價 | 鑽石價錢 |
“漫畫家朱森林從藝30周年在線作品回顧展”即將上線 | |
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Tag: Advertising | Advertisement | eMarketing | Agency | Online | Campaign | Corporate identity | Logo | Graphic | 4a | Branding | Brand | Promotion | Tvc | 廣告 | 宣傳 | Design | 商標 | 設計 | 巿場推廣 |
“曼特勞杯”中國首屆休閑褲設計大賽正式啟動 | |
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Tag: Advertising | Advertisement | eMarketing | Agency | Online | Campaign | Corporate identity | Logo | Graphic | 4a | Branding | Brand | Promotion | Tvc | 廣告 | 宣傳 | Design | 商標 | 設計 | 巿場推廣 |
“曼特勞”中國休閑褲設計大賽頒獎禮在京舉行 | |
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Tag: Advertising | Advertisement | eMarketing | Agency | Online | Campaign | Corporate identity | Logo | Graphic | 4a | Branding | Brand | Promotion | Tvc | 廣告 | 宣傳 | Design | 商標 | 設計 | 巿場推廣 |
“曼特勞”杯休閑褲設計大賽頒獎 | |
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Tag: Advertising | Advertisement | eMarketing | Agency | Online | Campaign | Corporate identity | Logo | Graphic | 4a | Branding | Brand | Promotion | Tvc | 廣告 | 宣傳 | Design | 商標 | 設計 | 巿場推廣 |