








  美白產品最基本的功效是淡化斑點,還原黑色素。這對于曬斑或剛形成不久的痤瘡印有較明顯的作用。但淡斑不等于徹底除斑,對于黑色素細胞群聚或極深的黑斑,美白產品并不是靈丹妙藥,此時除了循序漸進持之以恒地使用美白產品外,借助醫學美容的激光手術也不失為良策。 美白并不是完全消除黑色素





  食鹽 2克 白芷 12克 菊花粉 6克 白醋 6毫克

  1 去中藥店買白芷 菊花 研成細粉末。

  2 在食鹽 白芷和菊花粉中家白醋和清水,調成糊狀即成。

  3 晚上敷在臉部,30分鐘后洗干凈。



  花粉 5克 雞蛋清 1個 檸檬汁 20毫升 鮮奶 20毫升

  1 采集菊花 松花 粟米花 稞麥花的花粉或祛超市購買。

  2 任取其中一種花粉1匙,干性皮膚的人用雞蛋清混合;油性皮膚的人用檸檬汁混合;其他類型皮膚的人用牛奶混合調均即成。

  3 調好后敷在臉部,20-30分鐘后用清水洗去;也可以用花粉5克加食鹽2克絨溶于溫水中,每天清晨和晚上用以洗臉,邊洗邊用手從面部中間向兩邊輕柔,并輕輕拍打面部。

  花粉富含多種氨基酸 蛋白質 維生素以及生物活性物質,即營養皮膚,又能祛除各種色素斑點。花粉能調節內分泌,維持卵巢正常功能,所以能祛黃褐斑;花粉中的維生素C E和微量元素硒是強抗氧化劑,能防止脂質被自由基氧化成脂褐斑,因而不祛除老年斑。花粉既能抗日光輻射,又能治曬斑。



  鮮牛奶 30毫克 酸奶 30毫克 燕麥片 10克

























2、A Walk in the Garden 是穿過早晨的田野和草地而被打濕了鞋和褲腳。

A Walk in the Garden.jpg












感謝 的投稿












感謝 的投稿




根據展會調查中心報道:39%的參觀者在展覽會上逗留不足8小時,能否在盡量短的時間內獲取盡量多的有效信息,決定著參觀展覽的效果。而以下一些技巧也許能助您更有效地參觀展覽。1. 弄清楚參觀的目的。2. 列出你準備參觀的廠商的清單,并將他們分成兩個部分,一個是"必須參觀"的,另一個是"要參觀"的。3. 確定你參觀整個展覽會所花費的時間,甚至停留每一個攤位所要花費的時間,為瀏覽、瑣事和排隊留出時間。4. 明確你需要從參展商那里了解的信息,區別各個賣主的不同之處,然后準備好到時提問的問題。5. 設計一個產品/服務信息收集表,以便準確的比較不同參展商之間的異同。6. 預約想要約見的參展商。7. 盡快取得參展商的分布圖,設定參觀路線。8. 攜帶足夠的名片,這樣使你省去填表的麻煩。9. 穿上舒適的鞋子和衣物。在展覽館參觀是很疲勞的。墊上鞋墊走路可以減輕足部的疲勞,令腳舒服些。10. 在準備行李的時候,要預留空位,方便回程時有足夠的空間容納參展商的資料。11. 帶上一個輕便的旅行袋,塑料袋通常都是既不美觀又不舒服的,甚至會割傷手。12. 提前預約機票和酒店,以便取得折扣優惠。13. 盡量選擇靠近展會的酒店,這樣可以節省往返時間和方便休息。14. 計劃好準備參加的研討會或參觀的產品陳列室。事先在接待處做好登記并提前30分鐘到達會場,避免排長隊浪費時間。15. 事先做好登記并提前30分鐘到場,避免排長隊。16. 直接告訴參展商你的行程緊張,不希望浪費時間閑聊,希望可以單刀直入正題。17.尋找建立商業網絡的機會。與業界領袖交談;盡量獲得參展商的邀請到其下榻酒店;在產品陳列室里向周圍的人介紹自已;派發并收集名片。18. 避開太擁擠的攤位,應在展會結束前,參觀人數不多的時候再折回拜訪。19. 帶上筆和便條隨時記下重要的信息,甚至可以用小型錄音機作記錄。20. 工作幾小時就需休息一下,恢復精神,吸收新鮮空氣。喝一些水(不要喝汽水和啤酒),防止虛脫。21. 每一站都做好行程記錄,每晚總結一下。22. 想辦法取得參展商不想回答之問題的答案。23. 避免與不相關的廠商進行洽談。24. 提前30分鐘離場,避免等車的麻煩。25. 對所收集的住處進行整理、歸類,并作進一步聯系。26. 跟進在展會上要求郵寄的印刷品和樣品。




  訊 于今年9月舉行的2010第三屆中國(成都)汽車用品展覽會推出“全國重點車展配套項目”。7月1日,成都市人民政府和中國汽車聯合會的聯合主辦方在鄭州會展中心舉辦新聞發布會公布這一具有行業代表性和先行性的專業展會概念。   2010年7月1日,由成都市人民政府和中國汽車聯合會聯合主辦,成都世紀新國際會展中心有限公司、廣州全聯展覽咨詢服務有限公司承辦,四川省(工商聯)汽車服務業商會協辦的全國重點車展配套項目2010第三屆中國(成都)汽車用品展覽會新聞發布會在鄭州國際會展中心會議中心隆重召開。中國汽車用品聯合會執行理事長駱瀾濤、專職副理事長兼秘書長郭平、成都市博覽局副局長劉淑華、四川省(工商聯)汽車服務業商會會長徐應良等主辦和承辦方領導向廣大媒體和行業介紹于今年9月17-20日在成都世紀城新國際會展中心舉行的2010第三屆中國(成都)汽車用品展覽會,并向大家推介“全國重點車展配套項目”這一具有行業代表性和先行性的專業展會概念。   本屆成都汽車用品展從汽車用品企業、整車企業、終端消費者的需求出發,為三方構筑溝通合作的橋梁。中國汽車用品聯合會在2009年的中國(廣州)國際汽車展覽會上,首次以行業的形式介入,汽車用品展區以三個展館、2萬平方米展出面積、1000多個展位的規模創造了汽車用品行業參加國際、國內車展的輝煌戰績。成都汽車用品展覽會將再次以汽車用品行業的形式介入國際車展,借助成都車展的龐大終端消費群和整車廠商優勢,發揮中國汽車用品聯合會作為行業協會組織的作用,打破傳統的B2B模式,繼續打造B2C模式,為參展企業創造與終端消費者直接交流的機會,成都汽車用品展預計將成為汽車用品市場西部第一大展。  2010第三屆中國(成都)汽車用品展覽會作為中國汽車用品聯合會在今年即將推出的“全國重點車展配套項目”中的其中一項,除此之外,中國汽車用品聯合會還將在年內攜手天津汽車后市場協會、中國汽車維修行業協會舉辦“中國(天津)國際汽車貿易展覽會暨天津汽車用品采購交易會”及“第八屆中國(廣州)國際汽車展覽會暨第二屆中國國際汽車用品采購訂貨會”兩大展會,旨在通過車展的廣闊平臺,吸引更多的整車廠商和終端消費者關注汽車用品企業,促成參展汽車用品企業和整車企業的雙贏合作,并贏得更大的終端消費者市場,從而增強行業影響力,促進行業健康快速發展。

出租車遭歹徒搶劫 衛通達GPS遠程緝兇顯神威

出租車遭歹徒搶劫 衛通達GPS遠程緝兇顯神威






How Do I Become a Product Tester?

How Do I Become a Product Tester?


Many companies hire product testers to try out new products and services before they go on the market. This helps them to learn what consumers do and do not like about the product, so they know what to fix before it hits the shelves. To perform this type of market research, companies and agencies who represent them hire individuals as product testers. You may be able to become a product tester by contacting market research firms, checking out product tester websites, and getting in touch with companies in your area who regularly develop new goods. There are perks when you become a product tester. The primary benefit is that you will get to try new products before anyone else, and oftentimes you will get to keep the items you test. In some cases, monetary compensations may also be available. Keep in mind, however, that not everyone will be given the opportunity to take advantage of these positions. Legitimate companies want to find product testers who fit into their key demographic. This means that they want testers who are members of their target audience, or the people they are trying to sell to. Any website or product tester company who claims that anyone can get free stuff for no effort, or who charges a fee for membership, is likely a scam. Keeping that in mind, you can find real product tester websites which give consumers the opportunity to become a tester. You can generally sign up on the site by filling out information about yourself. Do not give any highly personal information, such as Social Security or credit card numbers. When a product is being tested and your profile matches that of the company’s key demographic, you will generally receive an email asking if you want to be a product tester. Most times you are free to decline the offer if the product is not something you are interested in. If you are hired to become a product tester for a particular site, you will be required to try the product, ask others how they would feel about a product like the one you are trying, and then write a brief report stating what you did and did not like about the item. These reports must be mailed or emailed by a certain date, or you will probably no longer be able to participate in the program. Usually you will keep the product. In some cases, you may be able to become a product tester by calling companies directly and asking if they have a need for testers in your area. You could also try contacting local market research, research and development, and advertising agencies. They may give you the information you need to contact the agency they go through when testers are needed.

How Do I Become a Private Duty Nurse?

How Do I Become a Private Duty Nurse?


A private duty nurse is a licensed nurse who provides either home health care or is contracted to give personal care to a patient in an institution, such as a hospital or nursing home. To become a private duty nurse, you would first need to qualify as a nurse according to the laws in your country or region. The education requirements generally include a diploma from an approved institution, an associate's degree or a bachelor's degree. Many candidates opt to work toward a bachelor's degree to gain an edge in the competitive job market. Once a degree or diploma is achieved, a national certification test may be required as well.Nursing is a skilled profession that requires specialized training. Many countries recognize and license various levels of nursing practice. Educational requirements vary from diploma training programs to advanced graduate degrees. The licensing process for nurses may also include passing an exam as well as a background check. The private duty nurse is distinguished from a home health aide by their professional qualifications as well as by the tasks they are qualified to perform. While a nurse may also provide hygiene assistance and help with eating, they are more likely to perform specialized medical tasks, such as wound care, blood work, and taking vital signs. Some home health aides and nursing assistants eventually choose to complete the appropriate requirements and become a private duty nurse themselves. If you are a nurse who is licensed according to the laws in your area, you might be able to become a private duty nurse by approaching local home health care agencies and nursing registries. Some of these businesses may have additional requirements for their nurses, such as previous nursing experience as well as ongoing continuing education beyond what is required for license renewal. If you live in a large urban area, there may be several agencies and registries from which to choose. Interviewing with several may increase your chances of finding the job that is the best fit for you. Another option is to become a private duty nurse by simply connecting with clients on your own. If this is legal in your area, you can network with social service agencies, nursing homes, and other local organizations to get your name into the hands of people who need your services. One downside to working independently is that you will not have the ready ability to consult with other professionals regarding your care of a patient. You likely will also need to obtain your own liability insurance, and you may not have ready back-up if you are out of town or ill and unable to work.

How Do I Become a Production Assistant?

How Do I Become a Production Assistant?


Many careers have a clear-cut path a person must follow in order to secure a job. For example, a scientist usually goes to college to earn a degree and then sends resumes to companies that hire scientists. There are no definite educational requirements for a person who wants to become a production assistant, however. Instead, an aspiring production assistant typically focuses on learning about the film and TV industry and finding ways of gaining the notice of those in a position to hire him. It's important for a person who wants to become a production assistant to understand that much of his job will be fetching things and handling menial tasks for others. Production assistants are generally asked to do things such as running errands and getting meals and coffee for other staff members. They may do everything from making copies of scripts to providing transportation for crew members. Though not technical, this job can be stressful, as anyone on a set may give a production assistant tasks to perform. An individual who wants to become a production assistant typically needs at least some knowledge of the industry, whether he is hoping to get projects in film or television. He should learn the different roles others will play on the set as well as production terminology. He may learn this by taking related courses, enrolling in workshops or boot camps, or even by reading books. A person interested in this field may attend college, seeking a film or similar degree. This isn’t normally required, however. A person who wants to become a production assistant should work on developing his communication skills, remembering to speak clearly and listen well. He’ll also need to pay close attention to detail and have excellent organizational skills. An individual interested in this job should also maintain a willingness to learn on every set. If he pays attention and learns all that he can, he may secure more opportunities and greater responsibility. Eventually, he may move up to another job altogether. To find a job in this field, an individual may search help-wanted ads and freelance listings, also calling production companies to offer his services. Networking may help as well. If an aspiring production assistant can learn who is active in the industry and discover when these people will be present at local events, he may attend and have an opportunity to talk with them. He may also join industry-related organizations for the opportunity to network. Eventually, such contacts may lead to a job.

ELITE 681 超薄腕表 經典品質的雋永之美

ELITE 681 超薄腕表 經典品質的雋永之美

  此款經典的俊美腕表配備直徑40毫米的超薄表殼,搭載完美契合的超薄Elite 681型自動機芯(3.81毫米)。機芯每小時震頻28,800次(4Hz),動力儲備50小時。表殼材質由18K玫瑰金或不銹鋼打造,而透明藍寶石水晶表背則清楚展示迷人的機芯,及其配備的鎢質擺陀和 「Côtes de Geneve」 紋飾。


  Elite 681 超薄腕表完美傳承品牌崇尚機械機芯和純正簡潔設計的傳統,配備黑色或棕色鱷魚皮表帶。表帶襯裡為橡膠材質,更增加了佩戴舒適度。腕表搭配18K玫瑰金或不銹鋼針式表扣。其低調優雅的美學氣質,完美彰顯了真正的永恆價值。

Tag: platinum | underwear | 舒雅 | schiesser | 功能物料 | 時尚內衣 | 基本內衣 | 保暖內衣 | 家居服 | 睡衣 | 男裝內衣 | 內衣 | 內褲 | 女裝內衣 | bra | 胸圍

Emilio Pucci 2011春夏男士絲巾領帶

Emilio Pucci 2011春夏男士絲巾領帶

  Emilio Pucci 2011春夏男士絲巾領帶系列,質感輕盈,布料及色調配搭悅目動人,既保留品牌傳統的歐陸度假風情,亦見追求自由自在、享受生活的態度。




  Emilio Pucci 2011春夏男士絲巾領帶系列,質感輕盈,布料及色調配搭悅目動人,既保留品牌傳統的歐陸度假風情,亦見追求自由自在、享受生活的態度。

  Emilio Pucci 2011春夏男士絲巾領帶系列,質感輕盈,布料及色調配搭悅目動人,既保留品牌傳統的歐陸度假風情,亦見追求自由自在、享受生活的態度。

  Emilio Pucci 2011春夏男士絲巾領帶系列,質感輕盈,布料及色調配搭悅目動人,既保留品牌傳統的歐陸度假風情,亦見追求自由自在、享受生活的態度。

Tag: platinum | underwear | 舒雅 | schiesser | 功能物料 | 時尚內衣 | 基本內衣 | 保暖內衣 | 家居服 | 睡衣 | 男裝內衣 | 內衣 | 內褲 | 女裝內衣 | bra | 胸圍

Elise Overland 09春夏

Elise Overland 09春夏

09春夏紐約Elise Overland女裝發佈會

冬季來了,誰說冬天就沒法愛美麗,在女孩們還在打著寒顫露腿的時候,暖暖的針織和大衣已經上市了! 此季秀場上大吹針織風,大家再也不用挨凍了,讓我們穿上針織毛衣和風衣來秀時尚吧
Tag: platinum | underwear | 舒雅 | schiesser | 功能物料 | 時尚內衣 | 基本內衣 | 保暖內衣 | 家居服 | 睡衣 | 男裝內衣 | 內衣 | 內褲 | 女裝內衣 | bra | 胸圍

Bridal Lingerie for the Wedding Night1

Bridal Lingerie for the Wedding Night1


Most women or bride-to-be may fantasize concerning their wedding night, enjoy how to generate the night time unforgettable and excellent for each of them, the newlyweds. To find the perfect lingerie to put on on your honeymoon night time, there are most considerations to ponder and to possess the perfect nuptial night time there are issues to do. Thinking concerning the scented candles, the fragrances, the petals, poet implementing, but most of them fails to take into account their lingerie put on for the exclusive night. Indeed, lingerie wears for the nuptial night and succeeding nights after the nuptial. Is this the first time you possess realized which you'll necessity something new to suit up with for the particular evening? Some of you may reason out that it will be definetely affordable to just re-use old units of lingerie you possess in your closet, all the same, no make any difference how inexpensive which thought may be, it is crucial to understand that this is a memorable evening for the two of you. This is the initially night that you are his spouse and he is your husband. ? Doing so is an critical night that could start the next situation comedy of your lifestyle with new units of obstructions to overcome. Nevertheless, earlier than conquering any marriage hurdles it is vital to manage the night time of your wedding and change everything ideal. So how are you going to make the night a sizzling hot night for the two of you? Well, a plan is essential. Your goal should be to generate the evening advantageous and one way is by generating a poet night for the personal time. Developing a romantic atmosphere in the hotel for the honeymoon will be a wonderful inclusion for that perfect time you're wishing for. You can ask the hotel you two are accommodated for the nuptial night to prepare unusual scented candles, perfumed bath with flower petals throughout the space and a Champaign interior a bucket full of ice. A gentle, or laid back but sexy tune or music in the qualifications will be definetely cool. ? These are most of the suggestions for a more entertaining sizzling evening for your wedding night time. One can uncover the greatest attractive bridal lingerie in online shops. The variety is never ending and the designs are certainly breathtaking. Certainly a need to don in the course of your nuptial night. There are many reliable locations which delivers what you're looking for in bridal lingerie, the ideal Bridal Lingerie to wear for your wedding day and wedding night. To find the perfect lingerie to wear on your honeymoon night, there are some considerations to think about and things to do. ? Guys Guide to Lingerie Shopping for their Girl ? Ladies are simple to excite, simply a easy gift of lingerie will be adequate to excite and generate them happy, especially if the gift is coming from somebody special. Of course given your partner prefers jewelries, that is a various story. Certainly, men must consider the effort to offer their woman a exceptional gift, not solely on unusual occasions but on required dates their woman less expected to offer them an component of surprise, to your partner once she the very least expect any presents coming from you. Most men are unromantic by dynamics, most are insensitive, being poet and delicate is not a guy's nature but it won't damage displaying most really like to your girl by purchasing her a attractive gift, a sexy lingerie present. Men doesn't comprehend how to shop for lingerie that their girlfriend should enjoy and really like, so doing so could be a manual to improve men to shop for their lady sexy lingerie surprise present. Therefore, what are the initially things you do consider? Initially, it is crucial to realize your girlfriend personally. Which does she enjoy? Color, styles each wee depth which may assist you to choose the correct lingerie for her. ? It can equal the "touching" feeling of receiving an item that is of her favorite, preferred colour, style and fashion. Think about how astonished she could be. You consider notice of her favorites. It should display to how considerably you care for her chooses and dislikes. Various in contrast to becoming familiar of her favorites, you will need to discover regarding her vital stat as well. After you comprehend her essential statistics you should comprehend what dimension of lingerie to buy. Also, you can do a bit of research into what kind of lingerie could be good for her body type kind. A thing which should boost what she already has. Learning her correct measurements can assure that you should get her the appropriate lingerie measurement. Females are not fussy bout the price of an item that was given to them especially if some efforts have been completed on their guy's part. Lingerie shopping is not a guy's thing. It is not a thing which all boyfriends do. Therefore, your girl could certainly enjoyed the endeavors and can surely appreciate all the thoughts. For the shy class of guy, you don't do go to division reserves or shops to purchase lingerie; one can shop for lingerie online. All you need is a computer, an world-wide-web and a credit card.

Bridal Lingerie A Brides Must Have

Bridal Lingerie A Brides Must Have



The expression "you only get to marry once" is now as good as obsolete. As today, people get to marry a couple of times, granted he/she is legally separated. However, the importances of a bride's wedding lingerie have become more important than ever. Making your wedding night memorable is an important concern of a bride. It is a special night like no other and making it stand out among the rest will take effort and require good sexy lingerie to wear for the wonderful evening. What should brides be looking for in purchasing honeymoon lingerie? Well, first and foremost it must be made from materials you are comfortable with. Some type of fabric can cause sensitive skin to feel discomfort or any other problem, especially if you're going to wear the lingerie under your wedding dress on your wedding day. There are different types of lingerie to wear during the wedding day under your wedding gown, such as corsets to form your torso. For the plus size bride, a corset will help you appear shapelier.


It will help you augment your bust size and let your body have that hourglass shape that would definitely be perfect on your wedding day. There are some other types of lingerie to choose as your wedding lingerie, like baby doll, some camisole, sexy nightwear, and alluring panty set. Other than your bridal lingerie to wear, there are other items and certain elements needed to make the night even special, such as scented candles, aromatic bubble bath, red petals, sweet sexy music and some dim light. The best element needed in sexy lingerie will be the touch of sexiness and confidence alongside comfort with the lingerie. What will be more alluring than a wife comfortable with her body and what she is wearing? You don't want looking like an awkward bride on your wedding day or wedding night just because you didn't like the lingerie that you are in. Confidence is a must; the bride must carry herself with confidence wearing sexy lingerie that's going to drive her man wild. With such beautiful lingerie wear, you can catch your man's attention with no problem and no worries. There will be no reason why you shouldn't feel confident. Don't be shy to check out the best lingerie that best compliment your skin tone and your body figure. This is your wedding night, set it afire with passion!


Sexy Lingerie to Make Your Man Happy



There are a couple of things that a man can't resist, woman with sexy pair of long legs and a woman confident in sexy lingerie. Truly, lingerie's are a master piece, true item of beauty. It can make its wearer feel confident about her sexuality, feel loved, feel desired. All with the help of a soft tiny bit piece of undergarment, a sexy lingerie. Today, in this world of competition where any woman could steal other woman's man, sexy lingerie becomes every woman's best friend. When it comes to seducing a man this is quite a lovely piece. No man can resist a confident woman in sexy lingerie. However, some women fail to notice the good effect wearing seductive lingerie has on their relationship. Some think it's just a piece of underclothing that is insignificant. Well, you're wrong, dead wrong. This is a powerful tool that other women can use to steal your boyfriend away from you. Guys are visual animals and they love sexy things. Sexy lingerie, sexy legs, even sexy high heel shoes. Men just can't get enough of anything and everything sexy. As a woman, it is your duty to protect you man from being stolen away. Thus, it is important to done yourself with the hottest sexiest lingerie you can find.


Where can you find the hottest and sexiest lingerie designs there is? Sexy lingerie is not exclusively monopolized by the brand Victoria's Secret. Some women find VS designs to be plain and simple compared to the ones you will find online. Yes, online. There are a lot of online shops that will be able to provide you with the most innovative sexiest fashionable designs there is. You can find simple baby dolls to cover those legs you have not been fond of. There are attracted camisoles designs available for all sizes, and alluring designs of body stockings and night gowns. To shape your torso, you can never go wrong with a lovely corset. It will help you enhance your figure, giving you that hourglass body beautiful figure that will definitely tickle your man's imagination. Other than the sexy types of lingerie selections there are other boy shorts, bustier and bras-panty sets, teddy, chemises, and even peignoirs. You can check out different online boutiques available online. You can find these websites by searching proper keywords. Once you find the sexy lingerie shop that offers stocks the lingerie you wanted, research the site's reputation, whether you can put your trust on that site. If the site is clear, then go ahead and purchase that sexy lingerie to make your man happy.


Bridesmaid Dresses - 3 Important Dressing Tips

Bridesmaid Dresses - 3 Important Dressing Tips


Bridesmaid dresses should be chosen according to the general appearance that the maid of honor, and not the choice of the bride. If the bridesmaid dress seems to be badly chosen, the bad, you can find the bridesmaid automatically see the face, while bears. When shopping for planning formal bridesmaid dress, I think, if you wear the clothes. If you have a positive and open attitude, and then at the end of a nice clothing store, and convenience of the bridesmaid. There are some tips to consider when you decided to buy a dress bridesmaid. These are:

1) Select the appropriate color:

The color of the dress of the maid of honor to be chosen to complement the skin tone of the bridesmaid. You know that the styles of bridesmaid dress for your figure. But it is a very creative use of color in clothing.

2) focusing on the model of habit:

You can choose from simple models of one side of the dress and the dress could be integrated with other colors. It also depends on where he married. For example, instead of solid colors, the bridesmaid dress to take the model of the vortex, reflecting the sea and there you can choose models gingham Wed, if you will reflect the country - the wedding theme. However, to preserve the structure of the bridesmaid dress simple as possible. Many models of clothes ruined the overall look of the bridesmaid.

3) Take the season into account:

Aspect of the season in which the maid of honor to wear clothes. For example, if the ladies take over the style of clothing with long sleeves in summer, runs the risk of choking on the occasion of the wedding. Furthermore, you do not want to wear a dress that is having a long-sleeved short, when out of the snow. If the bride wants a wedding should be as close to perfection, but should also give importance to the bridesmaid dress. Everyone needs to look good, like the bridesmaid. A bridesmaid dress really complements the perfect bridesmaid dresses, very elegant. Then, lady, dressed with the same importance to all marriages.









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時髦半身裙 消滅寬臀穿出纖腰


 柔軟的毛毛材質讓這款裙裝展現出超級柔美的女人味,上半身搭配簡單的黑色長袖T恤,不會搶走裙子的風采,如果搭配高跟鞋就可以提升整體的年輕度。 (以上內容轉自ELLE中文網)




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Living Life Over

Living Life Over


Living Life Over,如果有來生

If I had my life to live over...I would have talked less and listened more.

I would have invited friends over to dinner even if the carpet was strained and the sofa faded.

I would have taken the time to listen to my grandfather ramble about his youth.

I would never have insisted the car windows be rolled up onasummer day because my hair had just been teased and sprayed.

I would have burned the pink candle sculpted like a rose before it melted in storage.

I would have sat on the lawn with my children and not worried about grass stains.

I would have cried and laughed less while watching television-and more while watching life.

I would have gone to bed when I was sick instead of pretendingtheearth would go into a holding patter if I were not there fortheday.

I would never have bought anything just because it was practical,would not show soil or was guaranteed to last a lifetime.

There would have been more I love yous ... more I'm sorrys...but mostly, given another shots at life, I would seize every minute... look at it and really see it...live it...and nevergiveit back.

Levels of nursing Home Staffing

Levels of nursing Home Staffing


  During the week of February 17, 2002, headlines screamed the news - more than 92% of US nursing Homes fail to have an adequate number of staff to provide quality care for elderly residents. Newspapers and radio programs based their stories on the new study the health Care Financing Administration (HCFA) recently provided to the Senate's Special Committee on Aging.

Interesting findings led us to reexamine our current data set of nursing home deficiencies. What we found may surprise you; there was no relationship between the level of staffing and the number of deficiencies reported for nursing Homes. However, there was a relationship between level of staffing and percent of residents with pressure sores and physical restraints.

This article is provided to you so you'll have a greater understanding of what these findings mean.

The HCFA Study

Purpose - HCFA's study was performed at the request of the Senate's Special Committee on Aging to determine what minimum level of nursing Home staffing was required in order to provide quality care.

Findings - The study reported that a minimum level of staffing, determined to be 2.9 hours of Certified Nursing Aide (CAN) time per resident was required for quality care. A number of measures went into this finding. Among them, a time and motion study examined the time required for basic services such as dressing and toileting.

A correlational study that examined the relationship between pressure (bed) sores and staffing found that a higher level of staffing was related to lower levels of pressure sores. This study was somewhat limited by the fact that homes with very low levels of staffing refused to participate; it may be inferred that the correlational findings would have been stronger with the participation of these Homes.

In addition, the HCFA study examined the accuracy of reported level of staffing in survey and cost reports. They found that cost reports were more accurate than survey results in reflecting an accurate level of staffing as determined by nursing Home payrolls.

Limitations - The report was limited by the extent of the data gathered (3 states included) and may not be generalizable across all states.

When Should Staffing Concern You

When the best is yet.net began examining long-term care, we attempted to gather data on staffing and found that it was extremely difficult to acquire accurate information. Then a well-respected administrator advised us that while staffing was important, it was not as good as measure of quality as the level of care residents actually received. We have learned through experience how right his advice was.

So what should you look for when determining the quality of care residents receive?

Look for residents who are well groomed and not lethargic.

Look for residents actively engaged in activities; although each nursing Home is required to have an activities director, this does not mean that scheduled activities actually occur.

Check the latest survey ratings for the percent of residents with pressure sores. Look for a rating close to zero. We also suggest that you examine the percent of residents with physical restraints because physical restraints may be used as a substitute for staff. Again, look for a rating close to zero.

Look for the quality of interactions between staff and residents. Even though a minimum level of staffing is required for quality care, merely having staff at that level does not guarantee quality care. Homes may have high numbers of staff that do not interact appropriately with residents.

Listen for reactions to resident complaints. Staff who ignore requests and complaints are not providing quality care.

Love and Time 愛和時間

Love and Time 愛和時間


Love and Time,愛和時間

  Once upon a time, there was an island where all the feelings lived: Happiness, Sadness, Knowledge, and all of the others,including Love. One day it was announced to the feelings that the island would sink, so all constructed boats and left.Except for Love.

  Love was the only one who stayed. Love wanted to hold out until the last possible moment.

  When the island had almost sunk, Love decided to ask for help.

  Richness was passing by Love in a grand boat. Love said,

  "Richness, can you take me with you?"

  Richness answered, "No, I can't. There is a lot of gold and silver in my boat. There is no place here for you."

  Love decided to ask Vanity who was also passing by in a beautiful vessel. "Vanity, please help me!"

  "I can't help you, Love. You are all wet and might damage my boat," Vanity answered.

  Sadness was close by so Love asked, "Sadness, let me go with you."

  "Oh . . . Love, I am so sad that I need to be by myself!"
  “哦... 愛,我太難過了,想一個人呆著。”

  Happiness passed by Love, too, but she was so happy that she did not even hear when Love called her.

  Suddenly, there was a voice, "Come, Love, I will take you." It was an elder. So blessed and overjoyed, Love even forgot toask the elder where they were going. When they arrived at dry land, the elder went her own way. Realizing how much was owedthe elder.
  突然,一個聲音喊道:“來,愛,我帶你走。” 聲音來自“年老”。愛太高興了,甚至忘了問他們即將去何方。當他們來到岸上,年老自己離開了。愛突然意識到“年老”給了它多大的幫助。

  Love asked Knowledge, another elder, "Who Helped me?"

  "It was Time," Knowledge answered.

  "Time?" asked Love. "But why did Time help me?".

  Knowledge smiled with deep wisdom and answered, "Because only Time is capable of understanding how valuable Love is."




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