“你能做到狒狒首領做的十件事,就能當領導。” 千真萬確!青年畫家胡行易也是一個強硬的達爾文進化論支持者,也包括達爾文的追隨者英國著名生物學家、《裸猿》一書的作者德斯蒙德 • 莫里斯。 選擇了達利圖解佛羅伊德理論那樣,用架上繪畫的形式,圖解這兩位生物學家在世人看來驚世駭俗的理論。他同時以藝術家和科學家愛好者的視角,對人類的基本行為——攝食、交配、繁殖、爭斗,加以考察,揭示出人性中動物性的一面;同時,對人類進化至今所面臨的問題,從生物學角度提出了獨到的見解。 在“狒狒”(簡稱)個展中,我們可以看到人類的行為,甚至事關國計民生的大事,也是靈長類動物的基本行為在本質未變的前提下進化的結果。盡管作品中的每一件事,在任何熱愛科學的人看來,都是明擺著的事實,但它們還是驚動了很多人;而作者無意冒犯任何人或組織,只是想說一句——您是這顆星球上最出類拔萃的個體,萬物之精靈,但您同時也要接受——您還是某種“品種”的生物。 開幕時間:2007年6月9日 19:30pm 展覽時間:2007年6月9日至6月19日,15:00-23:00 地點:頂層畫廊,南京東路479號先施大廈12層 電話:021-6352 0256 Cell:13501778426 Email:ani-huxingyi@126.com Super Tribe Human Zoo ——Solo exhibition by Hu Xingyi “You can be a state leader if you can do ten things that a baboon king can do.” It's true! Young painter Hu Xingyi is a hardcore advocate of Charles Darwin's Evolutionism and a supporter of Desmond Morris who is the follower of Darwin, world-famous British biologist, author of the controversial book ``Naked Apes.'' Hu chooses to paint on canvases, like Dali's visualization of Freud's theory, to visualize the two biologists' theories that have shocked the world. In both perspectives of art and science, Hu researches on basic human behaviors including feeding, mating, reproducing and fighting. He shows the biological side in human nature as well as he presents unique opinions on questions to the present of human evolution in a biological point of view. In this "Baboon" show we can see human behaviors, including top state policy and strategy, are the results of evolution whose nature has not been changed. Although every detail is crystal-clear fact to science-loving people, the works upset many others. The artist doesn't mean disrespect to any individual or organization, he merely wants to say "You are the most intelligent, excellent being in the universe, your excellency, but you have to accept that you are also a being of certain SPECIES." Opening Reception: 19:30pm, June 9th, 2007 Exhibition Period: June 9th---June 19th,2007,3pm-11pm Venue: The Room With a View gallery, 12th Floor, No. 479 Nanjing Road East, Shanghai Tel:021-6352 0256 Cell:13501778426 Email:ani-huxingyi@126.com |