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Learn english Kids are growing up faster because of nutritious food and access to pornography, doctors claim.
The number of children experiencing the early onset of puberty has doubled over the past 10 years, according to a survey analyzing children's endocrine diseases by the Women and Children's Hospital of Guangdong Province.
The survey found the average age for the onset of puberty of Guangzhou's children dropped to 11 years old from the previous age of 13. Based on those figures, the frequency of earlier puberty among children in Guangzhou also rose to 1.3 percent this year, from 0.5 percent 10 years ago. This is 0.3 percent higher than the national average. This means that in some cases, boys as young as nine-and-a-half, and girls as young as eight are developing secondary sexual characteristics. "There are a few reasons why more children are experiencing the early onset of puberty," said Zeng Ke, a senior doctor at the incretion department of the Women and Children's Hospital of Guangdong Province. He said Guangzhou's citizens have a rich diet, including nourishing soups, seafood and animal innards. Parents also give their children supplements, such as deer antler and ginseng extracts. These foods, Zeng said, are high in protein or essential elements and accelerate children's growth. "Western fast foods, such as burgers and fries from McDonalds or KFC, are favored by children and can increase their development," Li Wangen, a doctor at the Second Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical College, said. The other reason for early development is improper sex education, Zeng said. Children have easy access to books, movies or music that are pornographic. If parents do not protect their children from exposure to pornographic material they will become sexually precocious, Zeng said. The survey found the number of children with the onset of early puberty was less in rural areas than in the city. 醫學專家稱,由于飲食營養豐富以及接觸色情資料,如今的兒童開始早熟。 據廣東省婦幼醫院一項有關兒童內分泌疾病的調查顯示,早熟兒童的數量在過去十年中翻了一番。 調查發現,廣州兒童進入青春期的平均年齡從之前的13歲下降到了11歲。 此外,數據表明,廣州兒童的早熟率從十年前的0.5%上升到了今年的1.3%,高出全國平均水平0.3%。 也就是說,在某些情況下,9歲半的男孩和8歲的女孩便會開始出現第二性特征。 廣東省婦幼醫院內分泌科高級醫師曾可說:“有一些因素造成了性早熟兒童增多。” 他說,廣州人飲食豐富,人們常攝入滋補湯、海鮮和動物內臟。 家長也不忘給孩子們進補,讓他們吃鹿茸、人參精華等營養品。 曾醫師說,這些食物里富含蛋白質及生命必需元素,能夠加速兒童的生長發育。 廣州醫學院第二附屬醫院的李萬根醫生說:“麥當勞、肯德基的漢堡和炸薯條等洋快餐深受兒童喜愛,而這種食物會使他們發育增快。” 曾醫師說,導致兒童早熟的另一個原因是性教育不當。現在的孩子很容易接觸到色情書刊、色情電影和音樂。 他說,父母應采取措施使孩子免受色情侵害,防止孩子性早熟。 調查發現,農村地區早熟兒童的數量要少于城市。 Study English |
english courses-吃出來、看出來的“性早熟”
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