補習-醉花陰 |
薄霧濃云愁永晝, 瑞腦消金獸。 佳節又重陽, 玉枕紗廚, 半夜涼透。 東籬把酒黃昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 簾卷西風, 人比黃花瘦。 【今譯】 薄霧濃云籠罩著淡淡的哀愁, 瑞腦香煙燎繞在金獸爐口, 又度過了一個漫長的白晝。 百無聊賴中又是重陽佳節, 玉枕紗帳,半夜時候, 已覺涼意浸透。 黃昏后,在賞菊的東籬飲酒, 只覺陣陣幽香飄漾在衣袖。 不要以為飲酒賞菊就可以解憂, 你看那西風卷動簾腳, 露出個人兒來,比菊花還瘦。 【英譯】 THE DOUBLE NINTH Tune: " TIPSY IN THE FLOWERS' SHADE " Thin is the mist and thick the clouds, so sad I stay. From golden censer incense smokes all day. The Double Ninth comes now again; Alone I still remain In the curtain of gauze, on pillow, smooth like jade, Feeling the midnight chill invade. At dusk I drink before chrysanthemums in bloom; My sleeves are filled with fragrance and with gloom. Say not my soul Is not consumed. Should western wind uproll The curtain of my bower, 'Twould show a thinner face than yellow flower. 供稿人:Angel |
Tag: 補習