



‘6 Wigwams’ – Press Release
Blossoming on a square of a residential town, six colourful tents each containing an artist’s work – one even floating at 10 metres above the ground. This is the site of the contemporary art exhibition ‘6 Wigwams’.

The opening of ‘6 Wigwams’ will be held in the World Culture Street Square in Gemdale Greentown on the 25 September 2005. This exhibition presents six young artists and designers, from both China and overseas, and their interpretation of and response to the spatial concept of the ‘tent’. The different media include photography, performance, video, installation and design. The opening reception also highlights the performance by two French musicians, combining the diverse elements of art, culture and space.

While the audience is used to the concept of the exhibition space as fixed locations such as museums and galleries, the artists and curators of this exhibition have chosen the mobility of display space represented by the tents. The artists’ innovation will create surprising visual effects in the square, while the placement of artwork in this unique space will provoke the questioning of the relationship and conflict between the two elements.

The opening ceremony and reception of ‘6 Wigwams’ coincides with the unveiling of a sculpture by French artist Georges Saulterre in Gemdale Greentown.

Participating artists:
Huang Kui(photography) Zhu Yonghong(Installation)
Ning Zuohong (Sound Installation) Li Pinghu (Performance / Video)
Liu Fei (Installation) Dedo (Design)

Curator : Su Bing

Exhibition Dates : 25 Sep – 25 Oct 2005

2005年9月25日下午,將在金地格林世界風情街廣場,舉辦“六個帳篷”藝術展覽開幕式,這次展覽是由六個年輕的中外藝術家和設計師共同舉辦的一個展覽,6位年輕藝術家,各自用不同的藝術創作方式演繹“帳篷”這一獨特的空間概念。分別有 圖片 行為 影像 裝置 設計等多種形式。展覽開幕現場,還有法國音樂家的即興表演,整個展覽體現了藝術 文化 地域多元化的融合。
這是一次有特別意義的展覽,當人們已經習慣了在一個固定的展覽空間去欣賞藝術,例如美術館 畫廊等,而這次策展人和藝術家們選擇了帳篷這一特別的可移動的空間,藝術家的創造力讓整個現場充滿了意想不到的視覺想象效果,值得玩味的是當作品呈現于一個住宅社區的廣場上,兩者空間意義的突兀和關聯,進而促使觀者不由去揣摩,探索。
黃奎(圖片 裝置) 朱永紅(裝置) 寧佐宏(聲 苦音 裝置)
李坪虎(行為 錄象) 劉非(現成品 裝置) Dedo (設計)


展覽地址 行車路線:
A20豐翔路出口(真南路 豐翔路路口)上海嘉定南翔金地格林世界現場

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