




  東京作為世界時尚中心之一,無論是其優雅精緻的成衣,還是 「高品質、高科技、高創造力」的服裝面料,始終引領亞洲乃至世界的時尚風潮。為了向中國消費者更詳盡地介紹魅力十足的日本產品,此次期間限定店精心挑選了21家出色的公司(涵蓋7個時裝品牌、8個兒童服裝品牌以及7家高功能纖維材料廠家)亮相上海,除了個性化與人文藝術風格相融合的潮流服飾之外,還特意增加了兒童服裝以及具有高強度、輕量、透氣防水等多種特點的高功能纖維材料,充分傳達了「東京視點」「酷」和「可愛」的特性。

  在店內展示銷售的品牌中,首次進入中國市場的品牌包括「Samantha Vega」、「Durer」、「RED PEPPER」等。這些時裝產品將都在人氣時尚雜誌《米娜》和《昕薇》的網店也能買到。此外,「tokyoeye」推出8個兒童品牌「ANNA SUI mini」、「Benesse」、「Biquette」、「Boomy Roomy」、「Combi mini」、「familiar」、「MIKI HOUSE」、「snidel girl」, 這些品牌大部分都是第一次進入中國市場。面向中國消費者銷售各類日本商品的網上商城「JapaNavi」將設「tokyoeye」專櫃銷售兒童服裝。

  由於上海及其周邊地區20-34歲的女性表現出對流行時尚的高度關注,「東京視點」項目選擇了上海作為在華活動中心。繼去年首次成功在中國和法國舉辦之後,今年,「東京視點」再次選擇上海為主要推介地,從12月20日開始到明年1月初,共有 「SEVEN DAYS」、OPA淮海店以及正大廣場3家期間限定店舖開業,著力推廣當下日本最in的潮流亮點,將個性化的潮流動向帶給中國廣大的消費者。

  2010年「東京視點」項目由日本經濟產業省啟動,由日本商社Itochu Fashion System co.,ltd.和三菱商事聯合主辦,其目的是讓東京時尚文化走向全球,向世界展示日本時裝的今天和未來。 中國作為服裝生產大國,是引領全球服裝行業發展的新興力量。中國的服裝消費市場到2010年以後將慢慢步入個性化的市場。在全球流行時尚中融入個性品味的產品,一定會受到追求與眾不同的上海消費者和全中國時尚達人們的歡迎。主辦方希望通過推介日本時尚前沿品牌,能夠為享受時尚生活的中國消費者提供更多選擇,並為中國時裝界注入新的活力。」

Tag: platinum | underwear | 舒雅 | schiesser | 功能物料 | 時尚內衣 | 基本內衣 | 保暖內衣 | 家居服 | 睡衣 | 男裝內衣 | 內衣 | 內褲 | 女裝內衣 | bra | 胸圍

「1S First Selection」度身定制你的歐洲時尚

「1S First Selection」度身定制你的歐洲時尚





Tag: platinum | underwear | 舒雅 | schiesser | 功能物料 | 時尚內衣 | 基本內衣 | 保暖內衣 | 家居服 | 睡衣 | 男裝內衣 | 內衣 | 內褲 | 女裝內衣 | bra | 胸圍

「G-STAR RAW Gallery上海」揭幕儀式

「G-STAR RAW Gallery上海」揭幕儀式

  2010年5月28日,上海 ——牛仔專家G-STAR RAW將「G-STAR RAW Gallery上海」落地上海港匯廣場,首次在中國盛大揭幕。好萊塢著名影星、G-STAR RAW的全球形象代言人麗芙.泰勒( Liv Tyler )親臨現場,在5月28日下午3點整為「G-STAR RAW Gallery上海」揭幕剪綵並接受國內媒體採訪,隨後麗芙.泰勒與眾嘉賓相聚Brown Sugar共同見證這一歡慶盛事。


  RAW Gallery 是展示G-STAR RAW品牌故事的精華展覽館。延續之前在歐洲的強力熱度,G-STAR RAW Gallery本次首度登陸中國上海,繼續以其新穎的表現形式和概念,全面向中國消費者展示了G-STAR RAW深度品牌內涵,突顯其在潮流牛仔工裝領域的超強駕馭能力。

  RAW Gallery是使用玻璃、原生木材和鋼材自行設計的展覽館,設計師用簡單的原材料表現出了G-STAR RAW產品純淨的視覺觀感。此次「G-STAR RAW Gallery上海」展示了品牌的經典之作如標誌性的Arc Denim Styles、High-end RAW Essentials Collection以及全球形象代言人麗芙.泰勒參與設計的G-Star RAW Low-T系列。同時,G-STAR RAW 的精湛技藝也通過展覽館內展示的特別訂製的牛仔夾克和三面品牌信息牆向中國的消費者全面展示了品牌故事。

  早前,G-STAR RAW Gallery在2008和2009年的東京設計師周上,已經成功展示了其巧奪天工的技藝及最前端的牛仔製衣技術。2010年6月,在上海成功展出之後,G-STAR RAW Gallery將隨即被運往意大利佛羅倫薩的 Pitti Immagine Uomo 展銷會,作為 2011 年春夏系列新品時裝的展示平台。

  此次的G-STAR RAW Gallery將在上海徐家匯的地標性購物建築 —— 一棟2005年建造的高達52層的港匯廣場中庭展出,從即日起展示至6月1日。港匯廣場地下一層同時也有G-STAR RAW店舖,除了G-STAR RAW港匯廣場店舖以外, G-STAR RAW在中國共擁有30家專賣連鎖店舖,同時能在134家多品牌店舖中尋覓得到G-STAR RAW的足跡。

Tag: platinum | underwear | 舒雅 | schiesser | 功能物料 | 時尚內衣 | 基本內衣 | 保暖內衣 | 家居服 | 睡衣 | 男裝內衣 | 內衣 | 內褲 | 女裝內衣 | bra | 胸圍

「Black New-New」&「Dickies」的新演繹

「Black New-New」&「Dickies」的新演繹

  說起「Black New-New」,相信許多80後的上海小囡一定記憶猶新。這個帶有「嚴重」上海口音的英語單詞,是我們從小對「黑猩猩(chimpanzee單詞太長,記不住)」最美好的詮釋。孫斌(Mc Banana)、王路(阿路)、陳飛百(DJ Fabo)是三個典型的80後上海小寧,吃過大餅油條,喝著豆漿長大,讓他們對上海有著別樣的感情。2009年,三個好朋友決定組建「Black New-New」樂團。作為上海人,Black New-New一直覺得自己有著強烈的使命感,那就是讓上海話和海派文化流傳下去。

  Black New-New的作品全部都是反映他們眼中的上海日常生活和現在時下最熱的新聞,或許未來的Black New-New將和周立波一樣,擁有屬於自己的「海派音樂」。

  在Black New-New樂隊中,還有一隻可愛的黑猩猩,這是他們樂隊的招牌和吉祥物。之所以選擇使用黑猩猩作為樂隊吉祥物,除了是為了配合樂隊名字之外,另外還有一個原因, Black New-New除了宣傳海派文化之外,另外一個使命就是提倡人們要保護動物和保護身邊的環境。他們時常呼籲人們乘坐公共交通,減少不必要的碳排放,也呼籲人們減少電消耗,保護資源。


  當記者問及日常穿衣風格時,作為搖滾潮人代表之一的Black New-New則表示出對美國工裝品牌Dickies(帝客服飾) 特別的鍾情與厚愛,不管是日常穿衣還是在演出現場,都喜歡身著Dickies的潮服。

  一直以來,美國工裝傳奇品牌Dickies 與搖滾音樂以及獨立樂隊有著深厚的淵源,亦受到歐美一線音樂人的極力推崇。Avril Lavigne,The Black Eyed Peas等音樂名人就經常穿戴Dickies的服飾出現在大眾視野,通過Dickies多變色彩、舒適剪裁,出眾耐穿性的新款服飾來演繹他們的優秀音樂作品。Dickies自2008年進入中國市場後,將服裝精品與時尚音樂結合的理念也引入國內,一直持續關注著中國內地原創樂隊的發展,並積極尋求合作機會。Black New-New就以其鮮明的海派音樂特色與Dickies秉持的真實、生活化、富有激情和原創精神的品牌文化不謀而合,完美演繹了工裝時尚與搖滾樂完美結合的海派文化新風尚。

Tag: platinum | underwear | 舒雅 | schiesser | 功能物料 | 時尚內衣 | 基本內衣 | 保暖內衣 | 家居服 | 睡衣 | 男裝內衣 | 內衣 | 內褲 | 女裝內衣 | bra | 胸圍



奧巴馬當選美國總統以後,有關於他的時尚單品也相繼推出。愛追潮流的年輕人相信一定不會錯過吧! 又給大家搜羅實用的圍巾技巧了!希望大家秋冬都將美貌進行到底!本次歸納出圍巾的系均有圖例示範,明星或是時尚達人,大家絕對不要錯過哦!普通的圍巾的圍法,簡單來說,就是看你圍幾圈。圍一圈、圍兩圈、圍三圈(一般三圈就差不多了),就會讓圍巾有不同的美感。當然,不同圈數的圍法裡面,也是有些小小的技巧的,現在配圖分析總結下。



Tag: platinum | underwear | 舒雅 | schiesser | 功能物料 | 時尚內衣 | 基本內衣 | 保暖內衣 | 家居服 | 睡衣 | 男裝內衣 | 內衣 | 內褲 | 女裝內衣 | bra | 胸圍













Tag: diamonds | diamond ring | diamond hong kong | engagement ring | 訂婚戒指 | 訂婚介子 | 求婚介指 | 求婚介子 | 求婚戒指 | gia | gia diamond | gia 鑽石 | 鑽石戒指 | 鑽石介子 | 鑽石介指 | 鑽石 | 鑽戒 | 天然鑽石 | 鑽石報價 | 鑽石價錢



  Christian Louboutin曾經說過高跟鞋就是身體裝飾的全部。而女人對高跟鞋的愛,無疑是建立在痛苦之上的。但是這款鏤空底的高跟鞋,絕對是時髦與舒適并重。







Tag: diamonds | diamond ring | diamond hong kong | engagement ring | 訂婚戒指 | 訂婚介子 | 求婚介指 | 求婚介子 | 求婚戒指 | gia | gia diamond | gia 鑽石 | 鑽石戒指 | 鑽石介子 | 鑽石介指 | 鑽石 | 鑽戒 | 天然鑽石 | 鑽石報價 | 鑽石價錢

刺繡民族風挎包風靡 明星瘋搶

刺繡民族風挎包風靡 明星瘋搶





  麥莉作為新生代青春偶像的代表人物,最近可是火的不得了。小妮子一向是搖滾+民族的擁簇,留心街拍的人不難發現,她非常喜歡這款Simone Camille的大包包。

  Rachel Bilson這款算是簡潔版的民族風挎包,搭配脖子上大大的披肩一樣帥氣。

  休閑運動風一向能跟民族風互通,Ashley Tisdale的這款民族風包包帶著些許現代元素,顯得動感十足。

  搭配高手Kate Moss自然不會錯過這股風潮,鏤空的馬甲搭配牛仔帽,灑脫帥氣。

  Kate Hudson的這款流蘇刺繡大包包同樣惹眼,擁有這樣的包包,只需簡單的單色連衣裙便可搭配出時尚味道。

Tag: diamonds | diamond ring | diamond hong kong | engagement ring | 訂婚戒指 | 訂婚介子 | 求婚介指 | 求婚介子 | 求婚戒指 | gia | gia diamond | gia 鑽石 | 鑽石戒指 | 鑽石介子 | 鑽石介指 | 鑽石 | 鑽戒 | 天然鑽石 | 鑽石報價 | 鑽石價錢

刺激時尚視覺 拼接風愈演愈烈

刺激時尚視覺 拼接風愈演愈烈

  Hussein Chalayan 剛柔同體


  Gianfranco Ferrè 金色光華


  Givenchy by Riccardo Tisci輕盈綻放




  Gucci 午夜精靈


  Christopher Kane 古典風韻


  Alexander Wang 褶皺誘惑


  Fendi 皮毛勢力



Tag: diamonds | diamond ring | diamond hong kong | engagement ring | 訂婚戒指 | 訂婚介子 | 求婚介指 | 求婚介子 | 求婚戒指 | gia | gia diamond | gia 鑽石 | 鑽石戒指 | 鑽石介子 | 鑽石介指 | 鑽石 | 鑽戒 | 天然鑽石 | 鑽石報價 | 鑽石價錢













  -深秋熱門單品 給你衣櫥添置清單

Tag: diamonds | diamond ring | diamond hong kong | engagement ring | 訂婚戒指 | 訂婚介子 | 求婚介指 | 求婚介子 | 求婚戒指 | gia | gia diamond | gia 鑽石 | 鑽石戒指 | 鑽石介子 | 鑽石介指 | 鑽石 | 鑽戒 | 天然鑽石 | 鑽石報價 | 鑽石價錢




姚國棟 李旦
鄧俊 舒杰 黨建泉

李座有 李成 李冰 吳闖闖 張坤 李佳威 張清奧 林亦文
林亦文 王淼 黃小芳 趙艷梅 石彭 武繼振 姜公略
李旦李曦 陸海榮 李協 王添幸



陳諾 赫英 楊洽 周文輝 吳桐

Tag: Advertising | Advertisement | eMarketing | Agency | Online | Campaign | Corporate identity | Logo | Graphic | 4a | Branding | Brand | Promotion | Tvc | 廣告 | 宣傳 | Design | 商標 | 設計 | 巿場推廣






Tag: Advertising | Advertisement | eMarketing | Agency | Online | Campaign | Corporate identity | Logo | Graphic | 4a | Branding | Brand | Promotion | Tvc | 廣告 | 宣傳 | Design | 商標 | 設計 | 巿場推廣






Tag: Advertising | Advertisement | eMarketing | Agency | Online | Campaign | Corporate identity | Logo | Graphic | 4a | Branding | Brand | Promotion | Tvc | 廣告 | 宣傳 | Design | 商標 | 設計 | 巿場推廣









Tag: Advertising | Advertisement | eMarketing | Agency | Online | Campaign | Corporate identity | Logo | Graphic | 4a | Branding | Brand | Promotion | Tvc | 廣告 | 宣傳 | Design | 商標 | 設計 | 巿場推廣



2006年至11月18日在廣州天河體育館,“華泰杯”第四屆汽車輪轂(概念)設計大賽頒獎晚會隆重舉行。隨著中國越來越多的人擁有自己的汽車,越來越多的人需要具有自己特色的車輛,汽車改裝是一些追求美好、標新立異的汽車迷的理想,在如今這個個性張揚的年代,汽車輪轂的改裝更是異彩紛呈,舉辦鋁輪轂設計大賽一是為了讓汽車改裝迷有更多的選擇 。



《夜宴》廣州美術學院 劉義
《追逐》廣州美術學院 陳曦、張楚宏

《韻》廣州美術學院 廣東輕工職業技術學院周良聲譚錦娥
《裝甲》廣州美術學院 張健邦
《結蒂》廣東商學院 吳創凡
《K3》華南師范大學 李小能
《Trilogy》廣州大學藝術學院 朱思明

《風弛》廣州美術學院 紀紹武
《印》廣州美術學院 陳曦、張楚宏
《水窩》廣州美術學院 黃華安
《展翅》湖南大學 譚永勝
《風火輪》深圳基圖設計有限公司 李勇
《穿透》廣州美術學院 羅立志
《骨》廣州美術學院 陳曦、張楚宏
《Flexibility》廣州大學 鄺風彩


童慧明 廣州美術學院設計學院副院長 教授
馮 樹 廣州美術學院設計學院 副教授
范圣希 同濟大學建筑與城市規劃學院藝術設計系 副教授
梁清河 香港理工大學設計學院 教授
沈卓婭 廣東輕工職業技術學院主任
趙 陽 中國美術學院設計藝術學院 教授
何人可 湖南大學設計藝術學院院長 教授
蔡江宇 華南師范大學美術學院 副教授
趙勇智 設計在線網站 執行總監
張新穎 華泰鋁輪轂集團CEO 華泰鋁輪轂有限公司總裁
章 勝 佛山市南海區奔達模具制造有限公司 總經理

Tag: Advertising | Advertisement | eMarketing | Agency | Online | Campaign | Corporate identity | Logo | Graphic | 4a | Branding | Brand | Promotion | Tvc | 廣告 | 宣傳 | Design | 商標 | 設計 | 巿場推廣






















Tag:Gift | Gifts | Presents







Tag:Gift | Gifts | Presents






  步驟 1:首先把頭發從腦后分成兩份。

Tag:Gift | Gifts | Presents










  三、四分之一針和半十字針(1/4X 和 1/2X)



Tag:Gift | Gifts | Presents









Tag:Gift | Gifts | Presents




Tag: 迷你倉 | 自存倉 | 儲存 | Storage | Mini Storage | 迷你倉庫 | 迷你貨倉 | 迷你存倉 | 儲存倉 | 儲物庫 | 儲物櫃 | 開倉 | 貨倉 | 倉庫 | 沙田迷你倉 | 沙田儲存倉 | 香港迷你倉 | 自助儲存庫 | 自助儲存倉 | 葵涌儲存倉 | 葵涌迷你倉 | 儲存服務 | 迷你倉儲物 | 迷你倉出租 | 儲物迷你倉

迷你倉-冬蟲夏草缺乏安全評估 衛生部建議不作食品原料

迷你倉-冬蟲夏草缺乏安全評估 衛生部建議不作食品原料


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  中新社上海5月9日電 (曾利明)9日發布的一項中國城市居民健康調查結果顯示:骨質疏松已成為繼高血壓、糖尿病、冠心病之后第四個城市居民常見慢性病,且相關防治知識知曉率不高,超過84%的被訪者不知道骨密度檢查有助于預防骨質疏松。

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迷你倉-冬麥區大部有強降水 安徽江蘇夏季麥收將受影響

迷你倉-冬麥區大部有強降水 安徽江蘇夏季麥收將受影響


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寧夏提高創業融資能力 籌措就業資金3.7億




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補習-President Bush Attends Armed Forces Farewell Tribute in Honor of General Peter P

補習-President Bush Attends Armed Forces Farewell Tribute in Honor of General Peter P

October 1, 2007

THE PRESIDENT: Mr. Vice President, Mrs. Cheney, Secretary Gates, members of the Cabinet, members of Congress, members of the Diplomatic Corps, members of the finest military ever, that United States military, Secretary Rumsfeld, General Myers, members of the Pace and Mullen family and distinguished guests. Today we pay tribute to an outstanding Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and we welcome his distinguished successor.

Ceremonies like this are a storied military tradition. It is a time when families, friends and comrades honor those who have fulfilled great duties to their nation. It is a time when we show admiration to those who step forward to assume new obligations. It's a time when we make generous use of words like honor and character. Sometimes those words are used too often. In the case of the two men we celebrate today, those words cannot be used too much.

Admiral Mike Mullen comes to this post with a broad and unique range of talents and experience. Some of you may not know that his parents were highly-regarded members of the Hollywood community, who worked for some of the greatest entertainers of the day. Many people are surprised when told about the Admiral's show business roots. After all, he's humble, well-grounded, and filled with common sense. (Laughter.) Not exactly what one thinks about when they think of Hollywood values. (Laughter.)

Admiral Mullen left California to attend the United States Naval Academy to pursue a career in military service. He soon found himself stationed on a destroyer on the gun line off the coast of Vietnam. During that tour, Admiral Mullen was part of operations so intense that the gun barrels on his ship glowed red. That was the beginning of a distinguished career.

The Admiral has commanded three ships, an aircraft carrier battle group, and the U.S. Second Fleet. He served as the commander of all U.S. naval forces in Europe and the NATO Joint Force Command. And later, as Chief of Naval Operations, he championed the construction of new types of vessels needed to deal with the threats of the 21st century.

Admiral Mike Mullen understands what's at stake in the war on terror. He was on duty at the Pentagon when Flight 77 made its doomed plunge. He felt the plane slam into the building. He saw the carnage and devastation. And like all who worked there that terrible day, he still carries the pain and the loss. Admiral Mullen was there when war reached America's shore -- and he brings the talent, vision and judgment needed to help us fight and win that war.

As Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Admiral Mullen will follow his strong belief that every member of our Armed Forces is, as he put it, part of one team and one fight. He will continue to set a sterling example to our men and women in uniform. He will bring judgment and candor to decisions that may mean the difference between life and death for young Americans who are serving our nation. He will demonstrate the same love of country and dedication to duty that inspired his sons to follow him into military service.

Admiral Mike Mullen is a man of decency and honor, and I congratulate you on your new assignment. And I know your parents would be proud. And I thank you and Deborah and Jack and Michael for your service to our nation. (Applause.)

As Admiral Mullen begins his service as Chairman, he is fortunate to have as an example the man we honor today. General Pete Pace is one of the most respected and accomplished military leaders I have ever known. He helped craft America's response to an unprecedented assault on our homeland. He helped liberate two nations from brutal tyrannies and helped bring freedom to millions of people. He began the process of transforming our military into a more efficient and effective force.

Yet these accomplishments do not begin to tell the full story of this remarkable man. That story begins in Teaneck, New Jersey, where General Pace grew up the proud son of an Italian immigrant. His dad worked two and sometimes three jobs to provide for his family. His mom attended church service every Sunday, and, according to the good General, still lights candles to pray that her children are happy, healthy and safe.

General Pace was a good student and a good athlete. His mom said the General has been good at everything he's ever done. Some of you may think mothers are required to say only admiring things about their sons. Well, take it from me, it's not always the case. (Laughter.)

General Pace's dad died before he could see his son reach the height of his career -- yet he always knew that his son would be a success. His family believed in his potential -- and they weren't the only ones. There is something about General Pete Pace that makes believers out of nearly everyone. That includes the men who served with him in Vietnam and whom he led during some of the most vicious urban combat in American military history. It includes the troops he led in Somalia who looked to him for resolve and guidance during difficult times. It includes Marines who look with pride on the first of their ranks to lead the Joint Chiefs of Staff. It includes two Secretaries of Defense who relied on the General during tough and trying times. And it includes a President who has counted on General Pace's candor and sound judgment during some of the most difficult times in our country's history.

During his service at the Pentagon, General Pete Pace has shown us many talents. He's shown an intellect sharpened by post-graduate studies at George Washington and Harvard. He's shown us great oratorical skills -- this is a man who frequently speaks without notes -- I really don't recommend this to everyone. (Laughter.) He's shown a sharp wit. When a Naval commander once made an edgy joke in front of the Secretary of Defense, the General stepped right in and gave the young officer some advice. He said, Never let a promising career stand in the way of a good joke. (Laughter.)

The most important attribute General Pete Pace has shown us is a quiet strength. It is a strength that has won the admiration of friends and peers. It is a strength built on the love and support of a strong and devoted wife, Lynne, and their family, Peter, Lynsey and Tiffany. It is a strength that gave Pete solace in the tough, and sometimes bitter, world of Washington, D.C. It helped him bring selflessness to a city filled with egos, and a dignity to a political process that might have worn down lesser men. He now leaves active service with a distinguished team in place and a talented successor. And yet I also have the sense that General Pace is not going to end it all here. He's a man who has always put country first and he will find new ways to serve.

General Pete Pace always understood what's important. It wasn't titles received, or honors bestowed -- and it certainly was not the good graces of official Washington. What mattered most were the young men and women who serve our country and risk their lives for its honored cause. He kept a picture on his desk of the first Marine who died under his command in Vietnam. He can still recite the names of all other Marines who died under that first command -- and because this is a man with a tender heart, sometimes it's hard for him to get through all the names without choking up a little bit.

Pete has devoted his life to those who wear our country's uniform. And they are devoted to General Pace. They're among the hundreds who've received his advice and friendship. They're among the thousands who lined up at military bases during his final tour to shake his hand and wish him well and say goodbye. They're among the millions whose names he will never know but who will always remember him. And they include that single soldier who came up to the General on his last visit to the war zone. He looked at General Pace with gratitude, respect and pride, and said, Thanks for your service. We'll take it from here.

General Pace, throughout your life, you have led those troops to honorable achievements and into the pages of history. Because of your example, you can know that with courage, valor and confidence, they will take it from here.

And so Godspeed to my friend, General Pete Pace. Thanks for your courage. Thanks for your leadership. And thanks for your service to a country we love. (Applause.)

END 12:00 P.M. EDT

Tag: 補習

補習-President Bush Attends Arlington National Cemetery Memorial Day Commemoration

補習-President Bush Attends Arlington National Cemetery Memorial Day Commemoration

May 26, 2008

THE PRESIDENT: Thank you. Mr. Secretary, thank you for the kind introduction. Members of my Cabinet, members of the administration, Admiral Mullen, members of the United States Congress, Senator Warner and Congressman Skelton, members of the military, our veterans, honored guests, families of the fallen: Laura and I are honored to be with you on Memorial Day and thank you for coming.

A few moments ago, I placed a wreath upon the tomb of three brave American[s] who gave their lives in service to our nation. The names of these honored are known only to the Creator who delivered them home from the anguish of war -- but their valor is known to us all. It's the same valor that endured the stinging cold of Valley Forge. It is the same valor that planted the proud colors of a great nation on a mountaintop on Iwo Jima. It is the same valor that charged fearlessly through the assault of enemy fire from the mountains of Afghanistan to the deserts of Iraq. It is the valor that has defined the armed forces of the United States of America throughout our history.

Today, we gather to honor those who gave everything to preserve our way of life. The men and women we honor here served for liberty. They sacrificed for liberty. And in countless acts of courage, they died for liberty. From faraway lands, they were returned to cemeteries like this one, where broken hearts received their broken bodies -- they found peace beneath the white headstones in the land they fought to defend.

It is a solemn reminder of the cost of freedom that the number of headstones in a place such as this grows with every new Memorial Day. In a world where freedom is constantly under attack and in a world where our security is challenged, the joys of liberty are often purchased by the sacrifices of those who serve a cause greater than themselves. Today we mourn and remember all who have given their lives in the line of duty. Today we lift up our hearts especially those who've fallen in the past year.

We remember Army Specialist Ronald Tucker of Fountain, Colorado. As a young man, Ronnie was known for having an infectious smile and a prankster's sense of humor. And then he joined the United States Army, which brought out a more mature side in him. Ronnie transformed from a lighthearted teenager into a devoted soldier and a dutiful son who called his mother every day from his post in Iraq. In his final act of duty, less than a month ago, he worked with other members of his unit to build a soccer field for Iraqi children. As he drove back to his base, an enemy bomb robbed him of his life. And today our nation grieves for the loss of Ronnie Tucker.

We remember two Navy SEALS -- Nathan Hardy of Durham, New Hampshire, and Michael Koch of State College, Pennsylvania. Nate and Mike were partners in the field and they were close friends in the barracks. Through several missions together, they had developed the unique bond of brotherhood that comes from trusting another with your life. They even shared a battlefield tradition: They would often head into battle with American flags clutched to their chests underneath their uniform. Nate and Mike performed this ritual for the last time on February the 4th -- they both laid down their lives in Iraq after being ambushed by terrorists. These two friends spent their last few moments on earth together, doing what they loved most -- defending the United States of America. Today, Nathan Hardy and Mike Koch lay at rest next to each other right here on the grounds of Arlington.

The men and women of American armed forces perform extraordinary acts of heroism every single day. Like the nation they serve, they do not glory in the devastation of war. They also do not flinch from combat when liberty and justice are embattled. Ronald Tucker, Nathan Hardy and Mike Koch make clear, they do not waver -- even in the face of danger.

And so today, here in Washington and across our country, we pay tribute to all who have fallen -- a tribute never equal to the debt they are owed. We will forever honor their memories. We will forever search for their comrades, the POWs and MIAs. And we pledge -- we offer a solemn pledge to persevere and to provide the security for our citizens and secure the peace for which they fought.

The soil of Arlington and other sites is filled with liberty's defenders. It is nourished by their heroism. It is watered by the silent tears of the mothers and fathers, and husbands and wives, and sons and daughters they left behind. Today we pray for God's blessing on all who grieve and ask the Almighty to strengthen and comfort them today and everyday.

On this Memorial Day, I stand before you as the Commander-in-Chief and try to tell you how proud I am at the sacrifice and service of the men and women who wear our uniform. They're an awesome bunch of people and the United States is blessed to have such citizens. (Applause.)

I am humbled by those who have made the ultimate sacrifice that allow a free civilization to endure and flourish. It only remains for us, the heirs of their legacy, to have the courage and the character to follow their lead -- and to preserve America as the greatest nation on earth and the last best hope for mankind.

May God bless you and may God bless America. (Applause.)

END 11:23 A.M. EDT

Tag: 補習

補習-President Bush Attends APEC CEO Summit 2008

補習-President Bush Attends APEC CEO Summit 2008

PRESIDENT BUSH: Gracias, señor. (Laughter.) What he forgot to say, Secretary Rice, is that he went to Notre Dame. She is a great supporter of Notre Dame. And thank you for having me. Laura and I are delighted to be back in your country.

This is my second trip as President. I have been looking forward to it. And I appreciate the opportunity to come and discuss the state of the financial situation with such an august group. I want to thank you for making the Asia Pacific region a vibrant part of the world.

I believe it is important for the world to recognize, and for our country to recognize, that the United States is a Pacific nation. And over the past eight years, I have made it a priority -- I made APEC a priority. I've been to every single APEC summit. (Applause.) I want to send a clear signal that it's in our nation's interest that we engage actively and consistently with the nations of APEC.

My first international trip after September the 11th, 2001, was to an APEC summit in Shanghai. My first trip overseas after my reelection in 2004 was to the APEC summit in Chile. And now that I'm headed to retirement -- (laughter) -- my last trip as President is to APEC here in Lima. (Applause.)

This summit comes at a serious time during economic turmoil. And I'm looking forward to our discussions. It is -- also comes at a time of unprecedented cooperation. A week ago in Washington, you might have heard that I had the honor of hosting a summit in what will be the series of international summits to address the financial crisis. I didn't believe we could solve all problems in one meeting, but I did believe it was important for us to host the initial summit to get it started, to lay the foundation for successful -- for meetings.

I also didn't believe that the meeting ought to be with kind of a handful of countries. Some suggested, keep the meeting small. I didn't agree with that. And that's why we invited 20 leaders, including eight members of APEC -- because I believe developed nations and developing nations needed to be sitting at the same table to have an honest, fruitful dialogue. (Applause.) After all, nations in Asia and Latin America now contribute more to the world economy than ever before. Nations are feeling the painful effects of the financial crisis; I understand that. And so all of us need to be involved in the solution. And we'll discuss this during our APEC meetings here, starting today.

At the summit, leaders from around the world sent a powerful message of unity and determination. We agreed on principles and actions to modernize the financial structures of the 21st century. There's a recognition that while our economies have changed, the financial structures that we are dealing with were primarily written in the 20th century. We believe in transparency and integrity in the markets that will make sure that firms and financial products are subject to proper regulation and oversight.

We agreed that the world's financial authorities must improve cooperation, that governments must keep their promises to the developing world. One point I'll make this morning at the APEC summit is to say that the United States is committing

-- committed to improving social justice, and we will not let this economic turmoil prevent us from helping nations educate their people, provide good health care, feed the hungry, and deal with diseases like HIV/AIDS and malaria.

We agreed that we must reform the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank to better reflect the important role of developing nations. And we agreed to keep our markets open and firmly reject protectionism. (Applause.) All these steps are essential to rebuilding confidence in our financial systems. Yet the only way to regain strength in the long term is sustained economic growth. And among the most powerful engines of that growth are the businesses and workers and entrepreneurs of the Asia Pacific region.

A few decades ago, a statement like this would have seemed unimaginable. Many Asia Pacific economies were mired in poverty; their governments pursued backward economic policies. Then leaders started to make bold decisions by opening up their markets, by welcoming investment and trade, and by tapping the potential of the private sector. The results have astonished the world.

In the midst of all this turmoil, it's important to remember what has taken place as we chart our future. The APEC region's share of the global economy has grown nearly 55 percent. Isn't that interesting? When we meet today in Lima, Peru, about 55 percent of the total world's economy will be at that table. In a single generation, the percentage of East Asians living in poverty has plummeted from nearly 80 percent to 18 percent. We're witnessing a dramatic shift of history, as the center of the world economic stage moves from West to East

-- from the Atlantic to the Pacific.

Some view the rise of Asia Pacific with suspicion and fear. America doesn't. The United States welcomes the success of emerging economies throughout the region. We welcome the new hope that comes when people escape poverty and join a confident middle class. We welcome new buyers for our products, and new investors for American enterprise. We welcome new competition that leads our own workers and businesses to be more efficient. In an interconnected global economy, the gains of any advance the interests of all. So over the past eight years, America has engaged this vital region more closely than ever before.

Continuing that engagement is especially important during the times of economic strain. The policies of free enterprise that lifted up so many in this region can help chart a path to recovery for the whole world. That's what's important for people to know. That which enabled us to be successful in the past must be used to help us chart a more hopeful future for tomorrow. With confidence in our ideals, we can turn the challenge we face today to an opportunity -- and lead the way toward a new era of prosperity for the Asia Pacific and beyond.

So I want to talk today about how to do that and I want to focus -- and I think we ought to focus our efforts on three great forces for economic growth: free markets, free trade, and free people. (Applause.)

First, our nations must maintain confidence in the power of free markets. Now, I know in the wake of the financial crisis, free markets have been under very harsh criticism from the left and from the right. It's true the free market system is not perfect. It can be subject to excesses and abuse. As we've seen in recent months, there are times when government intervention is essential to restart frozen markets and to protect overall economic health. Yet it is also essential that nations resist the temptation to overcorrect by imposing regulations that would stifle innovation and choke off growth. The verdict of history is unmistakable: The greater threat to prosperity is not too little government involvement in the market -- it is too much.

Over the decades, the free market system has proved the most efficient way and the just way of structuring an economy. Free markets offer people the freedom to choose where they work and what they want; offers people the opportunity to buy or sell products as they see fit; gives people the dignity that comes with profiting from their talent and their hard work. Free markets provide the incentives to lead to prosperity -- the incentive to work, to innovate, to save and invest wisely, and to create jobs for others. And as millions of people pursue these incentives together, whole societies benefit.

No region of the world demonstrates the power of free markets more vividly than the Asia Pacific. Free markets helped Japan grow into the world's second-largest economy. Free markets helped South Korea make itself one of the most technologically advanced nations on Earth. Free markets helped Chile triple its economy and cut its poverty rate by more than two-thirds over the past two decades. And last year, free market policies helped make Peru's economy the second-fastest growing in APEC.

Secondly, our nations must keep our commitment to free trade. When nations open their markets to trade and investment, businesses and farmers and workers find new buyers for their products. Consumers benefit because they have more choices and better prices. Entrepreneurs get their ideas off the ground with funding from anywhere in the world.

Trade is seen as controversial in some places, but here in the Asia Pacific region its benefits are beyond doubt. Trade transformed the economies of the Asian Tigers -- Singapore, South Korea, Hong Kong, and Taiwan -- into global powerhouses. Trade fueled the rise of a new generation of Tigers -- nations like Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, and Vietnam. And in the most dramatic case of all, trade helped lift China out of isolation and poverty -- and into three decades of rapid economic growth and closer engagement with the world.

Expanding trade and investment has been one of the highest priorities of my administration. When I took office, America had free trade agreements in force with only three nations. Today, we have agreements in force with 14 -- including China*, Singapore, and Australia. We have agreements that will soon take effect with three more countries, including Peru. We concluded agreements with Colombia, Panama, and South Korea. And it is extremely disappointing that the United States Congress adjourned without passing these three agreements. And I urge all those who support free trade to continuing pressing the case for the Congress to pass free trade agreements with Colombia and Panama and South Korea. (Applause.)

I just had a chance to have a cup of coffee with President Uribe. He is a strong leader. He's a good friend. And our Congress and our government must never turn our back on such a friend as Uribe. (Applause.)

In addition to negotiating these free trade agreements, my administration supported the accession of China, Taiwan, and Vietnam into the World Trade Organization. We're negotiating bilateral investment treaties with China and Vietnam. We're discussing similar agreements with Taiwan, Indonesia, and Russia.

These steps have brought benefits to America, and they brought benefits to our trading partners. Since I took office, America's trade with the world has grown from $2.5 trillion to $4 trillion -- an increase of nearly 60 percent. Trade with Chile and the United States has more than doubled. Trade between Peru and the United States has more than doubled. And trade between China and the United States has more than tripled. Overall, America's trade with APEC nations now accounts for nearly two-thirds of our trade in the world.

Greater economic integration in the Asia Pacific advances the interests of all. So earlier this year, America began discussions on a new regional free trade agreement with Brunei and Chile, New Zealand and Singapore. This agreement has the potential to open up new opportunities across the region. And we welcome other APEC members to join, and we appreciate Australia and Peru's recent announcements that they will join. Eventually, this agreement could be the foundation of something even more promising -- a free trade area of the Asia Pacific, where goods and services and capital flow across borders without barriers.

The nations in this region must also continuing to work -- must continue to work down -- continue working to break down trade barriers at the global level. We have an immediate opportunity to do so through the Doha Round at the WTO. One of the enduring lessons of the Great Depression is that global protectionism is a path to global economic ruin.

At our summit in Washington last weekend, leaders from around the world expressed strong support for completing Doha. Isn't that interesting? Over 20 nations at the table, from all different kinds of backgrounds, expressed solidarity with the idea of completing Doha. And now we've got to put those words into action. I recognize I'm leaving office in two months, but nevertheless, this administration will push hard to put the modalities in place so that Doha can be completed, and so we can send a message: We refuse to accept protectionism in the 21st century. (Applause.)

The third great force for economic growth in this region is the limitless potential of free people. As the business leaders in this room understand, the greatest resource any country has is the creativity of its citizens. That's what economists call human capital. And the best way to unleash that resource is, is to build healthy, educated, and democratic societies.

One requirement of any free and prosperous society is accountable and effective government. The United States launched the Millennium Challenge Account to invest in nations that fight corruption, pursue wise economic policies, and invest in the health and education of their citizens. Today, Millennium Challenge programs support some of the world's most promising developing nations -- from Indonesia to the Philippines to Peru. This initiative demonstrates a larger truth: Whether it leans left or right, any government that is honest with its people, that exists to serve the people, that advances social justice and desires peace, will have a partner in the United States of America.

America is helping build -- helping governments lift the daily burdens that hold their people back, such as hunger and ignorance and disease. We're cooperating with APEC nations to adopt better farming practices and build up local agriculture markets. We're partnering with leaders to defeat the AIDS epidemic in places like Papua New Guinea and Vietnam. We're supporting countries like Indonesia that invest in basic education. We're committed to these efforts. And as I said earlier, we'll be committed to these efforts regardless of the ebb and flow of the markets, and our partners can be confident that the compassion agenda of the United States of America will continue.

Ultimately, the only way for a nation to realize its full potential is for its people to live in freedom -- it includes both economic and political freedom. When people are free to profit from their abilities, they prosper. When people prosper, they demand more liberty in other areas of their lives. And we have seen this story unfold throughout this region. To continue freedom's momentum, the United States and other free nations are taking practical steps to support young democracies through the Asia Pacific Democracy Partnership. We recognize that democracies develop at their own speeds, consistent with their own cultures. But when people experience the dignity and the opportunity that freedom brings, they never turn back. I've told people a lot since my presidency this truth: I believe there is an Almighty. And I believe a gift of that Almighty to every man, woman and child on the face of the Earth is freedom. (Applause.)

As we look to the future, the tasks facing our nations are no doubt demanding. Recovering from the financial crisis is going to take time. But we'll recover, and in so doing, begin a new era of prosperity.

The nations of APEC have faced tests before. We have risen to meet them together, and we will do so again. Over the past eight years, we've taken measures to protect our people from terror and the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. We've responded to natural disasters. We've worked to prevent the spread of potential pandemic diseases like avian flu and SARS. We've worked to confront climate change and usher in a new age of clean energy. We're standing for a Korean Peninsula free of nuclear weapons -- and with a Burma free of repression.

Above all, we can be confident in the future of this region because we know the spirit of its people. And I've seen it firsthand. When I attended my first APEC summit in Shanghai -- just a few weeks after September the 11th, 2001 -- I said that America would always remember the signs of support from our friends in the region. I remember the American flag flying from every fire truck in Montreal, Canada. I remember children kneeling in silent prayer outside our embassy in Seoul. I remember baseball players in Japan observing moments of silence. I remember a sign handwritten in English at a candlelight vigil in Beijing that read, Freedom and justice will not be stopped.

The bonds of unity we felt then remain today, and they will always remain. Long after this crisis has passed, the United States of America will stay engaged in this region. We will continue working with our partners to build an Asia Pacific where people can work and worship and trade in freedom, where children grow up with hope and pursue their dreams, and where thriving, prosperous nations continue to inspire the world.

Thanks for letting me come by. Que Dios le bendiga. God bless. (Applause.)

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