
Business Centre:3 Tips To Help Business Owners Live Life And Have Fun

"All work and no play."
"Work hard, play hard."

You know these sayings very well, and all of their different variations. Your parents, teachers and business mentors have said them to you multiple times, and you know why? They say them because they are true.

To put it plainly, business owners tend to be type A personalities and you'll often find them hard at work around the clock. Unfortunately, this all work and no play attitude can lead to a whole host of problems. We're talking about burnout, stress, fatigue, mental and physical health issues - not to mention boredom. This kind of work ethic can also end up killing a marriage, or at least create a rift between you and your spouse that will be hard to close.

It's time to add a little fun in your life. Here are three ways to add a little more fun into your life now, as opposed to waiting.

1) Plan Weekly Fun Time

Plan time for fun weekly. Not monthly, not annually - weekly. Do something you enjoy with the people you love once per week. And while you are at it, since you are so good at planning now, you might as well plan time for fun monthly, quarterly and annually. You're an entrepreneur so that you can have freedom and control over your schedule right? Would you choose to work 24/7? Of course not, so plan fun into your life just like you plan work.

2) Zen and the Art of Business

Live/work in the moment. This makes working hard and playing hard easier to do. When you're working, focus on work. Be there, in the moment without thinking about what you could or should be doing. You're doing it. Pay attention to that. When it's time to play, play. Don't think about work or what you could or should be doing. When you are playing, recognize that you are playing. Simple right? Well, it is not as easy as it sounds.

Living in the moment is something that takes practice; however, the rewards are well worth it. Your time will be much more rewarding, productive and enjoyable whether you're working or playing.

3) Reward Yourself When You Deserve It

Give yourself more than just a pat on the back for a job well done. Reward yourself. Do the things you enjoy doing. If you love dancing, go dancing. If you love hiking in the woods, go hiking in the woods. List the things you like/want to do that are fun, and do them. Just like you'd make a task list and check things off as you accomplish them for your business, make a list of the fun things you like and want to do and check them off as you do them. This embraces that type A personality you have and still lets you have fun.

Experts from around the world and the most successful people you've ever met do take time to have fun. Make a schedule for fun. Plan it into your day, your week, your month and your year. You're a business owner and that gives you the freedom to take vacations when you want to, to take a day off when you want to and to have a little bit of fun right smack dab in the middle of the day without risking your job or angering your boss. You work hard, right? Play hard too. Your family, friends and your sanity will thank you for it.

